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21 août 2019 3 21 /08 /août /2019 22:04
NED Pumps $29 Million into China Destabilization Over Three Years
Aug. 7 (EIRNS)--The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the

quango set up in 1983 to replace the covert subversion of foreign

nations by the CIA with a more open "color revolution" approach

with government money, pumped more than $1.7 million into Hong

Kong "civil society" groups over the past three years, 2016-18.

As usual, the money went to supporting "human rights," "rule of

law," "international democratic standards," "voices defending

freedom of information and expression," and the NED funded

"Solidarity Center," which is aimed at radicalizing trade unions.

While grants from 2019 are not yet posted on their website,

one of the last grants issued in 2018, $200,000 for "Promoting

Engagement of Fundamental Rights" (which went through the

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the

Democrat branch of the NED, run by Madeline Albright) states

explicitly: "To facilitate engagement on Hong Kong's growing

threats to guaranteed rights." This refers to the Hong Kong Basic

Law established by the UK and China to govern Hong Kong for the

50 years following the turnover in 1997. The Brits and their

assets in the US like to ignore the part of that agreement which

grants sovereignty to China, while complaining about supposed

breaches of rights allowed for Hong Kong under the "One Country-

Two Systems" concept. The British argument is that any

subversion, violent or otherwise, which challenges China's

sovereignty must be allowed by Beijing, or it is interfering with

the Basic Law.

China will not play that game, and is prepared to intervene

if the color revolution is not stopped.

Beijing knows full well that the NED is not only active in

subverting Hong Kong, but across China. Over the same three

years, 2016-18, the NED issued grants of over $29 million to

groups in China and opposition groups abroad -- all to the "usual

suspects": freedom of information and expression, open debate,

human rights, rule of law, "citizen's journalism," democracy

radio and journals, religious freedom, government transperancy,

etc. Nearly half a million dollars went into environmental groups

and "networks of environmental groups."

A massive $4,135,000 went to Tibetan opposition

organizations, and $2,742,000 to Uighur opposition groups around

the world and in Xinjiang -- which the NED refers to as "East

Turkistan." [mob]


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  • : Congo Panorama. Le blog du soldat du peuple: Par Antoine Roger Lokongo, le Soldat du Peuple engagé dans la bataille des idées pour un Congo meilleur. Un Congo qui s'assume et devient un parténaire clé de la Chine, hier un pays sous-développé, qui, en un lapse de temps, a changé son destin en comptant sur ses propres efforts et devenu une puissance.
  • : A partir des idées de mes héros, Patrice Emery Lumumba et Laurent Désiré Kabila, je suis l'actualité politique de mon pays, la République Démocratique du Congo en partuclier et de l'Afrique en général et je donne mes commentaires. Antoine Roger Lokongo
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  Ces CPP-ci sont la lumière des ouvriers
et des paysans,
ainsi que de tout opprimé.

Il n’y a point de doute d’abattre l’exploitation et de créer une juste société.

Notre serment est de ne jamais échouer,
enjoignons toutes nos forces en un faisceau,
tenons bien nos armes dans nos mains,
car ces CPP sont la force du peuple.

Dans sa noble cause,
jamais de spoliation.

Notre lutte revendique nos droits,
quoiqu’il en coûte,
jamais de servitude.

Pour les opprimés,
la Révolution est un rempart,
son ultime but est que le peuple gouverne.

Laurent Désiré Kabila,
lâchement assassiné le 16 janvier 2001.


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