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30 août 2011 2 30 /08 /août /2011 03:05

As has been the claim by some for decades and centuries...

In the History Channel video below, an Arab-Egyptian archaeologist inside the pyramid of King Teti (c. 2345-2333 BCE), where early inscriptions of the ancient Egyptian sacred writings called the Pyramid Texts can be found, makes the following remarks:

"Everybody was believing he will stand in front of [the] gods, and he swears, 'I am [an] honest guy. I didn't do anything bad to my neighbors. I never polluted the River Nile water. I never looked at my neighbor's wife... At the end they are weighing his heart, and if he's a good guy, he will go to paradise. If he's a bad guy, [he'll] have to get punished."

The host comments, "So the same idea of sin existed here in the Egyptian times as it does later in Christian and all the other - "

The archaeologist responds, "I believe that religion is just one tree, and we have many branches - Islam, Christianity, and Jews - so it is a main tree. Here are the roots."

Host: "King Teti's body was stolen long ago, but his instructions to heaven remain in perfect condition. These ancient carvings are the oldest known form of religious writings: the Greek myths, the Bible, the Koran - all began here."



Comments (12)
  • Robert Tobin  - Mr
    I have been read so much about the origin of Judeo/Christianity and about Egyptology I always was of the opinion that much of Judeo/Cgristianity was based on Egyptology. Isis = the Virgin Mary. Horus = Jesus. The Commandments are a precis of the 42 Negative Confessions in the Book of the Dead.
  • jason warren  - ancient kemet
    Yes all of the so called monotheistic religions came out of ancient kemet. They borrowed heavily from the egyptian mystery system. Islam, christianity and judaism. Also your so called masons, rosicrucians, greek mythology, etc. Yet these religions often times will not give credit, where it is due. Most of the prophets, apostles and messengers either were sent, or "waxed wise" in ancient kemet or mizraim. So in essence all of your religions came out of north africa when it was populated by nubians, before the romans, hyksos, and greeks. Then you have characters like this Hawass guy denying everything. And also some of these religions make up tales about slaves building the pyramids, when we still cannot duplicate the feat today. The son/sun walking on water came out of so called egypt. The holy trinity came out of egypt. Circumcision came out of egypt. In closing there is so much diss-information put out by the "discovery channel" the "his-story channel" etc. They show you inside the pyramids how the pharoahs or nubians looked back then. Then during their "dramatizations" they show some mulattoe type egytian. So in a not so suttle way they have folks beleiving the original egyptians were mulattoe or the hyksos or some european looking egyptian.
  • the detectorist
    all these horus/Jesus links and assertions that Christ is a copy of something previous are false and has been debunked by various theological academics at high levels. Are we to take the word of "internet conspiracy theorists and sensational american propaganda in "documentary form"" to the contrary? No.
  • Acharya S
    Actually, no, the Horus-Jesus parallels have not been debunked by anyone at any level. There have been many efforts to do so, but they have failed, because the debunkers were either ignorant of the subject matter or extremely biased in favor of Christianity.

    Please see, for example, my Rebuttal to Dr. Chris Forbes. There is much more, including the entire nearly 600 page book Christ in Egypt, linked above. If you had studied the subject, you would have known about all the evidence I provide.

    No one here can be categorized as "internet conspiracy theorists and sensational american propaganda." The archaeologist in the video is clearly an Arab-Egyptian, not American, while those whom I cite extensively in Christ in Egypt are likewise none of what you have smeared them with. My sources are, in fact, thousands of pages of primary sources and the works of highly credentialed scholars in relevant fields and in a variety of languages/cultures.
  • Michael Cecil  - Well, duhhh....
    Of course, Judaism, Christianity & Islam are little more than alternate expressions of the Egyptian religion.

    They all adhere to the Egyptian doctrine of a physical raising of a dead body from the grave; that is, the Egyptian doctrine of "resurrection".

    Isaiah, Daniel, Jesus & Mohammed, on the other hand, did not teach the Egyptian doctrine of "resurrection".

    They taught that the Doctrine of "resurrection" is a Doctrine of 'Rebirth'.

    Which is why, for example, Jesus had to be eliminated; and why tens of thousands of Albigensians were exterminated almost 1200 years later by the Roman church.
  • Bonnie  - Archaeologist: Egyptian religion forms the roots o
    The History Channel always slants history the way tptb want it shown.

    The fact is, that the Ancient Egyptian Religion is NOT the root of the 3 main religions today. There is NOTHING similar, either.

    And the Ancient Egyptians did NOT have our version of "sins"- but Ma'at - Balance, i.e. Balancing the Scales of Justice, i.e. they believed in:

    - Re-Incarnation

    and that

    - Everything was God, animals, Human Beings, plants, earth, air, stones, etc. Also, that there wre Neteru, Beings of a Higher Level.

    So, the Ancient Egyptians were Polytheists, and respected all Creation, therefore, Akhenaton and his monotheism, was foreign to them, and anathema.

    So, in their knowledge that EVERYTHING was Energy and that there was a Great Mind aka THe Great Architect, the Ancient Knowledge of Egypt has come back in:

    Quantum Physics

  • Michael Cecil  - re: Archaeologist: Egyptian religion forms the roo
    Bonnie wrote:
    The fact is, that the Ancient Egyptian Religion is NOT the root of the 3 main religions today. There is NOTHING similar, either.

    A statement like this makes me wonder whether you know anything about the Egyptian doctrine of "resurrection" (or, for that matter, Judaism, Christianity & Islam).

    It involved the re-constitution and re-animation of a dead physical body; hence, one of the reasons for the practice of mummification.

    The Jews (Pharisees) and, then, the Christians and Muslims directly expropriated this doctrine from the Egyptian religion's "god of the dead", simply eliminating the practice of mummification...

    Then claiming that this is what Isaiah (26:19) and Jesus (Luke 20:34-36) meant by their cryptic, metaphorical descriptions of the revelation of the memories of previous lives.

    The Holocaust, by the way, was a direct consequence of such a Satanic Doctrinal perversion.

  • Bryan Blackburn
    According to the Rosicrucians the Great White Brotherhood was an organization started by Ahkenaton's Grand Father dedicated to the preservation of science and it's relationship to certain metaphysical principals that mankind was not yet evolved enough to handle and these were handed down from the survivors of Atlantis. The evidence for Atlantis that has recently bee discovered along with the rumors of vast underground cities with lakes under the great pyramids has this entire region serving as the birth of most of the world's religions. Supposedly the GWB changed it's name as it went about the rest of the world setting up libraries to diversify it's ability to survive the political strife that could destroy the futures ability to access these ancient records and I believe we are soon to have these repositories of ancient knowledgeonce again revealed to the world. Perhaps they have been but the PTB are witholding them because of the controversy they would cause. Cayce predicted a hall of records under the sphyinx would be discovered and there have been intense secret ops in that area to remove objects covertly.
  • Lynn  - Christ/Horus
    I love when they try and tie Jesus to December 25th and make correlations. Jesus was born in Sept, Luke goes into detail about it, and you can follow the birth of John the Baptist born to Elizabeth Mary Cousin. Its clear Jesus WAS NOT BORN IN DEC.

    Funny they have the whole world celebrating Satan's birthday as Christ's, and we know he likes to mimic everything. :evil:
  • Acharya S
    The "they" who tied Jesus to the common, pre-Christian winter-solstice celebration were CHRISTIANS themselves, in the second to fourth centuries. If the all-powerful God/Jesus didn't want them to do that in his/their name, he/they should have stopped it. Certainly, he/they could have set the record straight by now.

    In the meantime, the point is that where one motif has been "borrowed" from pre-Christian religion/mythology, we can be fairly certain that others have been as well. Indeed, the vast amount of data I've brought together in my books reveals that much of Christianity is in fact a rehash of earlier pre-Christian, Pagan motifs such as the winter-solstice celebration.

    As concerns Christ's purported birth date, according to the New Testament John the Baptist is born six months earlier, and St. John's day has been celebrated on the summer solstice also from the earliest centuries; therefore, once again we have a logical placement of the godman's birth at the winter solstice. Indeed, the enigmatic phrase at John 3:30 where the Baptist is made to say, "He must increase, and I must decrease," perfectly explains this phenomenon of the summer and winter suns.

    In consideration of these facts, it would not be unreasonable to suggest that the creators of the Christ myth had in mind the winter solstice birth all along.
  • Bird
    To "Lynn" from above, I love it when people try to claim Jesus wasn't born on December 25th and claim another date instead based on no credible evidence whatsoever. Euphoria does not suffice as valid evidence for anything. What's really funny is that Jewish scholars from around Jerusalem even contend that sheep do forage even in December. It's fun to watch Christians run away from the Dec 25th date too. LOL, they're really confused now but, wait until they realize he never existed!!!

    The climate of Palestine is quite mild and in fact sheep are allowed to forage even in December. A passage in the Jewish Mishnah states that some sheep pastured near Bethlehem were destined for sacrifice at the Temple in Jerusalem, and suggests that these flocks lay out in the fields all year around. A rabbinic rule provides that any animal found between Jerusalem and a spot near Bethlehem much be presumed to be a sacrificial victim (Baba Kamma 7:7, Talmud, Baba Kamma 79b-80a). Early Jewish sources suggest that the sheep around Bethlehem were outside year-round.

    So, the argument that Jesus couldn't have been born in December simply because the sheep were outside is extremely weak as many Jewish historians from Jerusalem themselves argue against.

    John the Baptist and Jesus' Birthdays
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