Injonctions du FMI à la RDC: "J'efface votre dette pourvu que vous reduisiez les investissements Chinois de $9 milliards à $6 milliard et que vous acceptiez de vous endetter de nouveau auprès du FMI".
KINSHASA (Reuters) - The IMF is ready to open talks with the Democratic Republic of Congo for a new programme after authorities provided more information on a controversial mining deal that caused the last loan programme to be scrapped, its local representive said.
The IMF pulled the plug on the previous $530 million programme in December after Kinshasa failed to provide sufficient details on the cession of mining assets by state miner Gecamines.
"The DRC authorities have posted the affidavit on the Comide transaction clearing the way for fund re-engagement in a program context," Oscar Melhado, IMF country representative to Congo, said.