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4 octobre 2011 2 04 /10 /octobre /2011 07:09


Raúl receives Congolese President

Granma, Havana, 29.09.2011



ARMY General Raúl Castro Ruz, President of the Councils of State and Ministers, September 26 received the Honorable Mr. Joseph Kabila Kabange, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who was making an official visit to Cuba.

During the meeting, both leaders addressed the state of bilateral relations between the countries and reiterated their willingness to work on strengthening ties in several areas. They likewise discussed issues of international interest.

Also present during the talks were Esteban Lazo Hernández, Council of State Vice President and Marcelino Medina González, Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs.


In memory of his father and predecessor, Laurent Désiré Kabila, the Congolese leader unveiled a bust in Havana's Parque de los Próceres Africanos. Kabila, the first President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo after the fall of Mobuto Sese Seko, in what was then Zaire, also gave tribute to Patrice Lumumba, leader of the struggle and Prime Minister of the country after its independence in 1960.

"It's important to emphasize the fact that they are honored here in Havana, thousands of kilometers from our continent, which means they have served as exemplary figures not only in Africa and the RDC, but also in other places, such as Cuba," he said in the park dedicated to African heroes.

"This also indirectly honors all of the other combatants who shed their blood in the 1970's fighting together with us," he commented.

Víctor Dreke, president of the Cuba-Africa Friendship Association, recalled that on April 24, 1965 Cubans arrived in Congo under the command of Che, initiating the young Cuban Revolution's participation in the decolonization of Africa and the consolidation of its independence from European powers.

Also present during the ceremony were Jorge Risquet, member of the Central Committee; Marcos Rodríguez Costa, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; Enrique Román, Vice President of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples, and a number of Cuban internationalist combatants.

The Congolese leader also placed a wreath at the José Martí Monument in the Plaza de la Revolución.

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  • : Congo Panorama. Le blog du soldat du peuple: Par Antoine Roger Lokongo, le Soldat du Peuple engagé dans la bataille des idées pour un Congo meilleur. Un Congo qui s'assume et devient un parténaire clé de la Chine, hier un pays sous-développé, qui, en un lapse de temps, a changé son destin en comptant sur ses propres efforts et devenu une puissance.
  • : A partir des idées de mes héros, Patrice Emery Lumumba et Laurent Désiré Kabila, je suis l'actualité politique de mon pays, la République Démocratique du Congo en partuclier et de l'Afrique en général et je donne mes commentaires. Antoine Roger Lokongo
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Hymne des Opprimés

  Ces CPP-ci sont la lumière des ouvriers
et des paysans,
ainsi que de tout opprimé.

Il n’y a point de doute d’abattre l’exploitation et de créer une juste société.

Notre serment est de ne jamais échouer,
enjoignons toutes nos forces en un faisceau,
tenons bien nos armes dans nos mains,
car ces CPP sont la force du peuple.

Dans sa noble cause,
jamais de spoliation.

Notre lutte revendique nos droits,
quoiqu’il en coûte,
jamais de servitude.

Pour les opprimés,
la Révolution est un rempart,
son ultime but est que le peuple gouverne.

Laurent Désiré Kabila,
lâchement assassiné le 16 janvier 2001.


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