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23 mars 2012 5 23 /03 /mars /2012 13:30

What do people think of the China-Vatican relations?! Interesting comments below:

China-Vatican dialogue still difficult: cardinal
AFP – 18 hrs ago

Dialogue between China and the Vatican remains difficult but progress can be expected over time, Cardinal Tarcision Bertone, the Vatican number two, told La Stampa newspaper on Thursday.

The Vatican has had no formal diplomatic ties with the Communist regime in Beijing since 1951, but relations improved slightly after Benedict XVI became pope in 2005.

Last year, however, the pope accused Beijing of pressuring Chinese bishops into separating from the Holy See.

"Dialogue isn't broken off, but it is sometimes difficult and switches on and off," Bertone said.

But "if one looks at the positive steps achieved, one cannot rule out, and one can even expect and encourage a positive meeting between the Catholic Church ... and the great Chinese people," he added.

The Vatican last year was angered by several ordinations carried out by the state-run Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association (CPCA), the official church, without papal approval.

China's Catholics are increasingly caught between showing allegiance to the CPCA or to the pope as part of an "underground" Church considered illegal by Beijing.

While official statistics put the number of Catholics in China at 5.7 million, independent sources say it is closer to 12 million.


  • FREEbird
    FREEbird  •  5 hrs ago
    Everyone should worship Jesus Christ our lord and savior! Christianity is the one true religion and disbelievers and pagans shall be banished to HELL.
  • Pyw
    Pyw  •  8 hrs ago
    Please don't bother China.
  • Tommy Huang
    Tommy Huang  •  17 hrs ago
    When Valtican opens its mouth meant to prove somebody wrong, and of course the dialog is diffcult. Religion + poltical means starting a war to the authority who rules a country; it very much like the White Locus movement, Taiping rebellion, FA Lun Gong, and Titetian buddism- they share a common trait: they inspire people to rebell and cause bloodshed amongst the local good people.

    Vatican is biased too, why dont they read more bible and follow Jesus' teaching instead of focus on the worldly politic movement?
  • Paul King
    Paul King  •  17 hrs ago
    Of establishing an unlawful enterprise for the purpose of crime: (1602) That the Jesuit order under Superior General Claudio Acquaviva (1581 - 1615) and its business supporters did form the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie or VOC in Dutch, literally "United East Indies Company ( Dutch East India Company). That the purpose of this criminal enterprise was to establish trade monopolies for the exploitation of goods and materials identified by Jesuit missionaries throughout Asia. Furthermore, that the funds gained by such trade in turn could then be used to further the objectives of both the Jesuit order and the Roman Catholic Church. That the VOC was the first international corporation with shares. That it was the first international drug cartel and responsible for the commercialization of poppy harvesting for opium/heroin trade to China and Europe.
  • Truth Hurts
    Truth Hurts  •  Willards, Maryland  •  14 hrs ago
    I'm surprised! They have a lot in common! China doesn't believe any religion, and Vatican doesn't believe any religion other than Catholicism.
  • Paul King
    Paul King  •  17 hrs ago
    Earlier visitors to Tibet commented on the theocratic despotism. In 1895, an Englishman, Dr. A. L. Waddell, wrote that the populace was under the “intolerable tyranny of monks” and the devil superstitions they had fashioned to terrorize the people. In 1904 Perceval Landon described the Dalai Lama’s rule as “an engine of oppression.” At about that time, another English traveler, Captain W.F.T. O’Connor, observed that “the great landowners and the priests… exercise each in their own dominion a despotic power from which there is no appeal,” while the people are “oppressed by the most monstrous growth of monasticism and priest-craft.” Tibetan rulers “invented degrading legends and stimulated a spirit of superstition” among the common people. In 1937, another visitor, Spencer Chapman, wrote, “The Lamaist monk does not spend his time in ministering to the people or educating them. . . . The beggar beside the road is nothing to the monk. Knowledge is the jealously guarded prerogative of the monasteries and is used to increase their influence and wealth.”

    The Tibetan serfs were something more than superstitious victims, blind to their own oppression. As we have seen, some ran away; others openly resisted, sometimes suffering dire consequences. In feudal Tibet, torture and mutilation--including eye gouging, the pulling out of tongues, hamstringing, and amputation--were favored punishments inflicted upon thieves, and runaway or resistant serfs. Journeying through Tibet in the 1960s, Stuart and Roma Gelder interviewed a former serf, Tsereh Wang Tuei, who had stolen two sheep belonging to a monastery. For this he had both his eyes gouged out and his hand mutilated beyond use. He explains that he no longer is a Buddhist: “When a holy lama told them to blind me I thought there was no good in religion.”21 Since it was against Buddhist teachings to take human life, some offenders were severely lashed and then “left to God” in the freezing night to die. “The parallels between Tibet and medieval Europe are striking,” concludes Tom Grunfeld in his book on Tibet.
  • Paul King
    Paul King  •  17 hrs ago
    The only dialogue the Chinese authorities should have with this evil and corrupt cult is as follows: - "Get out and stay out".
  • Nick
    Nick  •  San Antonio, Texas  •  15 hrs ago
    Don't trust the Vatican China. They just want to interfer in your politics and rape your young men and boys.
  • David
    David  •  7 hrs ago
    The Catholic church was involved in the drug trade in China.
  • Yahoo
    Yahoo  •  Irvine, California  •  8 hrs ago
    Chinese are smart enough to protect their children from Christian butt sex.
  • j m
    j m  •  8 hrs ago
    Vatican is up to no good again; please protect the children in China from the big bad wolf in sheep skin. Don't become sheeple.
  • Pongpanit
    Pongpanit  •  11 hrs ago
    The Vatican is useless and not welcome in China...
  • Mario
    Mario  •  10 hrs ago
    Roman catholic church in China advocated no resistence to Japan during Japan occupation of China (1933-45)
  • PT
    PT  •  7 hrs ago
    china do not need child molestors from the catholic church in room.
    if they were caught not only those preist but all their supervisors and the pope will be sentence to death
  • frank
    frank  •  10 hrs ago
    shoot those pedophiles
  • Wolf
    Wolf  •  Beijing, China  •  7 hrs ago
    Pope, pope...
    poop, poop...
    I'm only practicing my pronunciation.
  • joshua
    joshua  •  11 hrs ago
    Vatican is the biggest corporation and biggest real estate owner and the biggest renter specially office buildings..good money, they even have ATMs inside the Vatican.
  • Just Me
    Just Me  •  6 hrs ago
    I remain a free-thinker not because I don't believe in God but because I don't believe in religion.
  • Toledo
    Toledo  •  Wuhan, China  •  6 hrs ago
    As far as religions go, Christianity is the fastest growing one in China today -- for whatever that is worth -- the Vatican should be happy.
  • Kaos is good for soul
    Kaos is good for soul  •  Hong Kong, Hong Kong-China  •  8 hrs ago
    Cardinal, you are up against your competition, which is another religion akin to yours. It tolerates no dissention, has a very effective integrated propaganda/governance structure and is actually slightly larger than your operation. You are going against it on its home turf, and they have a very effective secret police structure to know what the people are doing and when they are doing it. The CCP is as much a religion as the Church and it does not play nicely with the other children. All must be subordinate the the Party and its teachings. Best of luck. You will need all the patience and guidance that you can get.
  • AndyC  •  8 hrs ago Report Abuse
    The education levels of the PAID DungPile Han Chinese is on full display here. Their ignorance is show by their atheism and their belief in a robotic society is 2nd to none. It explains why they're all brain dead as they aren't allowed free thought to explore different religions. Of course they try to put a spin on their genocide movement in Tibet as an act against terrorists and then lump the Catholic Church in there. They don't understand the fear of their "party" who has gone to several extremes to avoid free thought. For Catholics, they created their own "church" so they could continue brainwashing the poor. For Tibetans, they place security thugs on every street corner and then make monks and nuns disappear. They're not only the Garbage of Asia but the cesspool of mankind. Han Chinese make the Nazi's look like angels with their total disregard of life and the freedom of thought. I wonder if the DungPile Han Chinese have ovens too to exterminate anyone who dares question their authority. Don't forget, any pro-Han comment or vote on here is from a PAID propogandist as "regular" Chinese aren't allowed access to the free-world's internet. They have false names and locations to try to spread the word of the cesspool of Asia. Their so stupid they decided to create a CNN look-alike to put on the front that the Chinese are good. Fortunately, the world is finding out that their pure trash.
    2 Replies



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