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30 juin 2013 7 30 /06 /juin /2013 02:31
Eglise Catholique Romaine en RDC: La logique n'est pas de ce monde!
Alors que ses représentants ont bel et bien été présents à toutes les étapes de désignation d’un candidat membre de la CENI par les confessions religieuses, alors que la majorité des délégués des confessions religieuses du pays viennent de faire le choix gagnant pour des élections crédibles dans le futur, une confusion se crée au sein de l’Eglise catholique et met les fidèles en situation de désarroi
Aujourd’hui encore et sans gêne, les Secrétaires généraux de la CENCO, bien que battus aux élections préliminaires internes aux confessions religieuses de vendredi dernier, lesquelles ont donné 7 voix en faveur du très distingué Abbé Apollinaire Muholongu Malumalu contre une voix seulement au profit du candidat Léon Botolo, proche du Cardinal, s’arrangent pour ouvrir le feu contre leur confrère dont l’expertise électorale est reconnue tant sur le plan national qu’international. Cette situation risque de saper dangereusement l’image de cette Eglise que d’aucuns attribuent désormais à un seul individu en RD-Congo.
A travers cette mise au point tardive de la CENCO, ce groupe des Secrétaires généraux de la CENCO vient de relancer sa guerre contre la démocratie en République Démocratique du Congo. Cette guerre larvée qui gisait depuis 2006 lorsque déjà, un prélat catholique s’était farouchement opposé à la désignation de l’Abbé Malumalu au poste de président de la CEI (Commission Electorale Indépendante).
Les délibérations des dernières élections organisées entre les délégués et représentants des confessions religieuses de la République Démocratique du Congo le vendredi dernier n’ont même pas encore été révélées que déjà, certains prélats de l’Eglise catholique s’agitent. A travers un communiqué brusque et creux, il vient d’ordonner l’Abbé Félicien Mwanama, Secrétaire général adjoint de la CENCO de déclarer tous les ecclésiastiques non partants dans la course pour la CENI.
Le communiqué qui dit engager toute l’Eglise catholique se réfère hâtivement aux dispositions canoniques (cfr canon 287, 672 et 739). Des dispositions qui, à l’article 287 stipulent nous citons « Les clercs s’appliqueront toujours et le plus possible à maintenir entre les hommes la paix et la concorde fondée sur la justice », alors que les deux autres articles ne s’intéressent qu’aux religieux et ne concernent pas les prêtres séculiers.
Comme pour dire que cette mise au point est prise par les Secrétaires généraux de la CENCO pour faire du mal au peuple qui veut que cette institution soit dirigée par un membre de la Société civile, de surcroît un prêtre de son état.
C’est ici justement que d’aucuns s’opposent à cette attitude acharnée de la Cenco contre la volonté de la majorité des confessions religieuses de la RD-Congo. En effet, sur les 8 confessions religieuses représentées à la réunion d’harmonisation et de choix du candidat commun, 7 membres ont fait le choix de l’Abbé Apollinaire Malumalu. Un choix de raison puisqu’il est d’abord question de présenter un candidat valable et capable de remonter la réputation du système démocratique de la Rd Congo. Il est aussi question de privilégier la technicité du candidat afin d’éviter de sombrer dans une nouvelle aventure d’autodidactie électorale.
Ne pas effacer l’histoire s’il vous plaît !
L’Eglise catholique est composée de têtes pensantes. Mais lorsque ces têtes pensantes prennent certaines décisions, on est en droit de se demander ce qui les aurait motivées. En plus, prétendre effacer un pan de l’histoire, serait à nos yeux très suicidaire. Car en effet, qui oubliera qu’un prélat avait dirigé les travaux de la Conférence nationale souveraine (CNC) ?
Un autre ecclésiastique, le premier à palper la réalité de l’organisation des élections dans la jeune démocratie congolaise, c’est l’Abbé Malumalu. Pour des élections essentiellement financées par la Communauté internationale, Malumalu a réussi là où nombreux ne lui donnaient aucune chance. En plus, il a réussi ce pari tout en n’étant pas soutenu par la haute hiérarchie de l’Eglise catholique qui avait contesté son choix. Lorsqu’il avait présidé la Conférence Nationale Souveraine, ce prélat ne s’était-il pas mis en marge des dispositions canoniques ? Si oui, pourquoi cette interdiction tardive n’est mise en exergue que maintenant ? L’histoire est têtue et nul ne peut se permettre de l’effacer car un peuple sans histoire est un peuple sans âme.
Des catholiques siègent bel et bien dans les commissions électorales en Afrique
Quand la politisation s’accommode avec de fautes récurrentes, ce qu’il y a un agenda caché. Car au Cameroun comme dans bien des pays du continent noir, des prêtres voire des évêques sont membres de l’administration électorale. En République Démocratique du Congo, une seule exception a été enregistrée en 1992 avec la désignation politique de Monseigneur Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya en qualité de président de la Conférence Nationale Souveraine et du Haut Conseil de la République, Parlement de Transition (HCR-PT) par le président Mobutu et où il avait fait élire l’opposant Etienne Tshisekedi comme Premier ministre.
Heureusement que ce choix de l’époque n’avait pas heurté les consciences opportunistes comme c’est le cas aujourd’hui. Retenons toutefois qu’à chaque désignation d’un responsable de la commission électorale en RD-Congo, des pressions se déchaînent. Viendront-elles ternir l’image de marque de l’Eglise ?
Et pourtant, l’organisation des élections dans le monde n’est pas une entreprise qui est confiée aux néophytes, aux gens qui n’ont aucune connaissance en matière électorale. C’est donc quelque chose qui exige la technicité et la connaissance en la matière. A ce jour, il s’avère que seul Malumalu a une expérience à vendre et est capable de relever un tel défi. Pourquoi alors ne pas lui donner cette énième chance afin de participer à la cimentation de la démocratie en Rd Congo à travers les élections ?
C’est le moment d’expliquer à tout le monde que pour présider une institution comme la CENI, il ne suffit pas seulement que la hiérarchie de l’Eglise catholique, qui est une sous-composante de la composante Confession religieuse, elle-même sous-composante de la composante Société civile puisse donner son aval. L’on doit savoir que l’article 53 bis de la nouvelle loi sur la CENI donne au Bureau de l’Assemblée Nationale le pouvoir de prendre toutes les dispositions aux fins de l’installation effective de nouveaux organes de la CENI dans le délai de quarante-cinq jours à compter de la promulgation de la présente Loi.
Comme pour dire qu’en cas de blocage et pour concourir au respect de cette disposition, le Bureau de l’Assemblée nationale peut proposer une solution qui ne doit pas toujours rencontrer la position de l’Eglise catholique. La menace d’un groupe des Secrétaires généraux de la CENCO devra être considérée comme nulle et non avenue, d’autant qu’au lieu de chercher l’expertise ailleurs, le pays a au moins la possibilité de recourir à quelqu’un qui a fait déjà ses preuves et à qui on ne pourra plus tout expliquer. En tout cas, mieux vaut un démon qu’on connaît qu’un saint qu’on ne connaît pas.
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30 juin 2013 7 30 /06 /juin /2013 02:08

Un étudiant Congolais se trouve en prison à Beijing. Il est présumé d'avoir violé une fille Française!

Information nous livrée par Mr le pasteur Oscar Khonde qui vient de terminer sa licence dans le domaine de la construction à l'Université des Sciences et Technologies de Beijing.

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30 juin 2013 7 30 /06 /juin /2013 02:06

Sans commentaires: Un évêque arrêté dans une enquête sur la banque du Vatican.

28 juin 2013 à 10:10  (Mis à jour:  14:47 )


Un prélat du Saint-Siège soupçonné de blanchiment d’argent et de corruption a été arrêté vendredi par la police italienne, dans le cadre d’une enquête plus vaste sur la banque du Vatican, l’IOR, dans la ligne de mire du pape François.
Mgr Nunzio Scarano, 61 ans, un prêtre qui a gagné le titre honorifique de «monseigneur» en raison de son ancienneté au Saint-Siège, travaillait à l’Administration du patrimoine du siège apostolique (APSA), l’organisme qui gère les biens du Saint-Siège. Interrogé par l’AFP, le père Federico Lombardi, porte-parole du Vatican, a indiqué que le prélat avait été suspendu «depuis environ un mois, quand ses supérieurs ont su qu’il était sous enquête». Le Saint-Siège a aussi assuré la justice italienne de sa «pleine collaboration».
Deux autres personnes ont été arrêtées dans cette affaire, un sous-officier membre des services de contre-espionnage italiens et un intermédiaire financier. Nello Rossi, procureur du parquet de Rome, a indiqué à la presse que les trois hommes avaient tenté de rapatrier depuis la Suisse 20 millions d’euros en espèces, «fruit d’une évasion fiscale», appartenant aux armateurs Paolo, Cesare et Maurizio D’Amico.
Le sous-officier, qui était chargé de rapatrier physiquement l’argent à bord d’un jet privé, a perçu un chèque de 400 000 euros provenant du compte de Mgr Scarano, selon le magistrat. La transaction n’est toutefois jamais arrivée à son terme en raison de disputes entre les trois hommes. Cette affaire n’est qu’un filon d’une enquête beaucoup plus vaste, qui avait été entamée en septembre 2010 sur le fonctionnement de l’Institut pour les œuvres de religion (IOR).
La justice italienne soupçonnait à l’époque le président de l’IOR Ettore Gotti Tedeschi et le directeur général Paolo Cipriani de violation de la législation contre le blanchiment d’argent. Plus de 20 millions d’euros avaient été bloqués dans le cadre de cette enquête qui avait conduit, entre autres, au limogeage de la direction de l’IOR.
Scandales à répétition
Le pape Benoît XVI, puis son successeur François ont décidé de remettre de l’ordre dans l’IOR, nommant successivement de nouveaux responsables et instaurant des contrôles de plus en plus sévères pour cet institut tristement célèbre dans la péninsule en raison de son implication dans plusieurs scandales retentissants. Ces dernières années, le Vatican a ainsi mis en place une Autorité d’information financière (AIF), dirigée par un Suisse spécialiste de la lutte contre la blanchiment d’argent, qui supervise les opérations de l’IOR, et a nommé un nouveau président de la «banque des papes».
Il y a deux jours à peine, le pape François, qui a été informé des développements de l’enquête ayant porté à l’arrestation de Mgr Scarano, a créé une commission dont l’objectif semble être de remettre définitivement au pas l’IOR. Même si officiellement cette commission doit lui permettre de «mieux connaître la position juridique et les activités» de l’IOR, le fait qu’elle ait été créée par un document écrit de sa main et qu’elle peut avoir accès à toute la documentation de l’institut, y compris celle couverte par le secret, démontre son intention d’instaurer plus de transparence dans les finances du Vatican.
L’IOR gère 19 000 comptes appartenant en majorité au clergé catholique. Le nouveau président de l’IOR, l’Allemand Ernst von Freyberg, nommé quelques jours avant la démission de l’ancien pape Benoît XVI, a entrepris de faire vérifier un par un les comptes de l’IOR par l’Agence américaine de consultants financiers Promontory.
Au fil des ans, des scandales retentissants ont entaché la réputation de l’IOR, des milieux criminels ayant profité de l’anonymat ou de prête-noms pour y blanchir leurs fonds. Le plus important avait été en 1982 la faillite du Banco Ambrosiano, un scandale bancaire qui mêlait CIA et loge maçonnique. L’affaire Enimont (1993) de pots-de-vin à des partis politiques italiens a aussi éclaboussé l’IOR, et plus récemment, le tribunal de Rome a détecté des cas de blanchiment d’argent mafieux à travers les arcanes de la banque.
Selon la chaîne de télévision Sky, le prélat est soupçonné de fraude et de corruption.
Le pape François avait dit lors d'une audience privée, il y a quelques semaines, que le Vatican était "gangrené par la corruption". Il semble que le souverain pontife ait eu raison. En tout cas, l'arrestation de Mgr Nunzio Scarano, évêque de Salerne, jette le trouble. Le prélat est en effet soupçonné de fraude et de corruption. Un membre des services secrets italiens et un intermédiaire financier ont été eux aussi arrêtés vendredi matin dans le cadre d'une enquête de la justice italienne sur l'Institut des oeuvres de religion (IOR), la banque du Vatican.
Des dizaines de millions d'euros avaient été bloqués dans le cadre d'une enquête qui avait conduit, entre autre, au limogeage de la direction du IOR. Au fil des ans, des scandales retentissants ont entaché la réputation de l'IOR, des milieux criminels ayant profité de l'anonymat ou de prête-noms pour y blanchir leurs fonds.
Le plus important avait été en 1982 la faillite du Banco Ambrosiano, un scandale bancaire qui mêlait CIA et loge maçonnique. L'affaire Enimont (1993) de pots-de-vins à des partis politiques italiens a aussi éclaboussé l'IOR et plus récemment, le tribunal de Rome a détecté des cas de blanchiment d'argent mafieux à travers les arcanes de la banque. Le Suisse René Brülhart, conseiller de l'Autorité d'information financière (AIF) qui supervise l'IOR, a indiqué que six transactions suspectes avaient été signalées en 2012.
Ces dernières années, le Vatican a renforcé à plusieurs reprises les mécanismes de contrôle du IOR et le dernier en date a été créé il y a deux jours par le pape François sous la forme d'une commission spéciale. L'objectif est de contrôler les activités de l'IOR. Visiblement, c'est nécessaire...


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29 juin 2013 6 29 /06 /juin /2013 09:14

Obama Fundraiser Digs for Zimbabwe Business Deals


Lionel Faull, Wongai Zhangazha, M&H 28/6/13

A major fundraiser for Barack Obama has been schmoozing senior Zanu-PF figures in the hope of winning business deals from the Zimbabwe government.
Security forces wanted to do business with Higginbottom to ease US restrictions.

A major Chicago fundraiser for United States President Barack Obama has been schmoozing senior Zanu-PF figures, including President Robert Mugabe, in the hope of winning business deals from the Zimbabwe government.

In return, amaBhungane understands, senior Zimbabwean security force members have been looking to the fundraiser, real-estate tycoon Elzie Higginbottom, to help the country to wriggle off the hook of targeted US sanctions.

Internal Zanu-PF documents seen by amaBhungane suggest that the Zimbabwean military was keen to enter into negotiations with Higginbottom to form a joint-venture diamond mining company in 2011.

Higginbottom's vast property portfolio has been “conservatively" valued at $200-million by the Chicago Tribune. Campaign finance records indicate that he and his wife contributed $400 000 to Obama's campaign war chest between 2008 and 2012 and donated generously to both Obama inaugurations.

Higginbottom's largesse has catapulted him into a super-category of party political funders in the US popularly referred to as “bundlers" (see “Support in bundles").

Zimbabwe security forces apparently saw the participation of Americans in the Chiadzwa diamond fields near Marange as key to avoiding further action by a “hostile" US government to restrict the Zimbabwe diamond trade.

The security forces also hoped that a delegation of Chicago businessmen led by Higginbottom would lean on key members of the Obama administration to reverse, or ease, US sanctions against senior Zanu-PF figures.

The sanctions, administered by the US treasury's Office of Foreign Asset Control (Ofac), prohibit US citizens from engaging in “any transactions with any person, entity or organisation" on a list of “specially designated nationals".

Mugabe meeting

Senior Zanu-PF figures on the list that Higginbottom is known to have met since 2011 include President Robert Mugabe and Zanu-PF chairman Simon Khaya Moyo.

Although no evidence has come to light that Higginbottom has sealed business deals with Mugabe or Moyo directly, he is skating on thin ice.

Ofac broadly prohibits “exports [direct and indirect], imports [direct and indirect], trade brokering, financing and facilitation, as well as most financial transactions".

“Attempts to evade or avoid these sanctions are also prohibited," it states.

Higginbottom confirmed this week that his company had “been seeking business opportunities in Zimbabwe for several years". 

“Our agenda has consistently and solely been related to business. We have no political agenda," he said.

But documented attempts by Higginbottom's team to negotiate a diamond-mining joint venture with a business team from the Zimbabwe ministry of defence rings alarm bells. Evidence gathered by civil rights groups and journalists in recent years suggests that the military has perpetrated human rights abuses in the Marange diamond fields, and that senior military figures have imposed themselves as silent shareholders in diamond mining companies.

Concerns have been raised – most recently in a damning report by both Zanu-PF and Movement for Democratic Change MPs on the parliamentary portfolio committee on mines and energy – that these diamond companies remit only a fraction of their revenue as taxes to the government.

Parallel state

There are suspicions that diamond revenue is being used to fund a parallel state presided over by securocrats and anti-reformers, and possibly to finance another violent Zanu-PF election campaign ahead of general elections planned for this year.

Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition director McDonald Lewanika told amaBhungane that “the money from diamonds is being turned into black money to serve dark political purposes".

Higginbottom distanced himself from diamonds this week: “We are no longer pursuing any diamond interests," he said. “The Zimbabwe state diamond entities engaged in the diamond trade are sanctioned and thus we have eliminated this area from our potential ventures. We are and will remain in full compliance with US policy and laws."

However, a source said Higginbottom still retained the services of a geologist in Zimbabwe, but Higginbottom said “our geologist is looking into other possibilities".

Another source connected with military leaders in Zimbabwe said: “I have been told that they [Higginbottom] were also interested in exploring the recently discovered diamonds in the Bikita area, near Devure in Masvingo Province. They made it clear that they were not interested in politics, but that they were remaining behind while the Chinese and Russians were moving forward."

Higginbottom was exploring a wide range of other business opportunities in Zimbabwe in 2011, including agriculture, tourism and real estate.

“I would be very surprised if someone like Higginbottom, with the kind of money he has and the ambitious investments he proposes, can be in Zimbabwe for three or four years without having to transact with senior Zanu-PF government, security and intelligence officials subject to sanctions," said a long-time security and intelligence source working for the Movement for Democratic Change.

US reaction

A spokesperson for the US embassy in Harare, Sharon Hudson-Dean, declined to comment on Higginbottom's business interests in Zimbabwe, but said: “Compliance with US laws is non-negotiable for anyone engaging in or investing in any business covered by those laws."

Moyo said that he could not comment on Higginbottom's activities in Zimbabwe as the party's primary election results were about to be released and “I do not want to be diverted at all".

Multiple sources in Zimbabwe have confirmed that Higginbottom actively continues to pursue business opportunities, and that the government is keen to do business with him.

Tourism Minister Walter Mzembi said: “We have a 1 200ha park in Victoria Falls which is open to investors and, since Higginbottom is a property mogul, I am sure if we packaged it properly, they would be very interested. We have also had discussions with him about starting an airline. But they are just discussions."

Higginbottom's business dealings with Zimbabwe have been inextricably entwined with politics from the beginning, and he has associated himself with the major thawing of US-Zimbabwe relations this year.

He first met Mugabe on the sidelines of the United Nations general assembly in New York in 2011, and sponsored a Doing Business in Zimbabwe Day in Washington, DC.

He then led a delegation of Chicago businesspeople to Zimbabwe in November 2011, where he met Mugabe again.

Disgraced former US congressman Mel Reynolds, who assumed the mantle of Higginbottom's spokesperson during that trip, told Zimbabwe state media that “mining, housing, insurance, farming, banking, medical and other" deals were under discussion.


In a wide-ranging interview with the state-owned Sunday Mail, Reynolds praised Mugabe as “one of the last lions of Africa that brought freedom to the people of this great continent".

He concluded with a statement: “I personally believe that sanctions should have never been imposed in the first place. I also believe that Zimbabwe can move forward despite sanctions."

Reynolds's position was also noted by Zimbabwean security forces in internal documents seen by the M&G.

Higginbottom distanced himself from the claims attributed to him in Zimbabwe in November 2011, saying that they were made in his name without his approval.

“We can assume no responsibility for comments he [Reynolds] made in Zimbabwe or elsewhere about his political/professional affiliations. Nor did we approve any representations he may have made about our objectives that were not true," said Higginbottom.

Reynolds could not be reached for comment.

Attempted mediation

Higginbottom also accompanied civil rights activist Jesse Louis Jackson on a quasi-diplomatic visit to Zimbabwe in May this year, following the state department-sponsored visit to the country by former US ambassador to the UN, Andrew Young, in April.

Jackson hosted a breakfast meeting at the high-end Meikles hotel in Harare to discuss mediating in the land-compensation dispute between the Zimbabwe government and the Commercial Farmers Union.

The union's president, Charles Taffs, confirmed being introduced to Higginbottom at the meeting and recalled being keenly questioned by him about “investment protection and property rights".

Taffs said he knew nothing about Higginbottom's planned forays into the Zimbabwean farming, tourism and real-estate sectors, but commented: “We welcome equal partnerships coming in to attract foreign investment, but want a situation where the rule of law, property rights and human rights are respected. 

“If there are investments coming in through the back door for personal gain, that's not a solution, that's just going to prolong the agony of this country."

 Support in bundles

There are limits to how much money a single person can directly contribute to federal political candidates in the United States, but there is no limit on how much people can “bundle", said Michael Beckel, a reporter who monitors bundling for the US Centre for Public Integrity,

“‘Bundling' is the term given to the process of asking friends, relatives or business associates to make a contribution to a candidate," said Beckel.

“The bottom line is this: Bundlers are elite fundraisers. They can enjoy access to policy makers and decision makers that ordinary citizens do not have. 

“They can have the ear of a candidate, or the ear of the president. And having the ear of the president can be a powerful thing." – Lionel Faull



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29 juin 2013 6 29 /06 /juin /2013 08:29

Je l'ai toujours dit: Les soit-disant "investisseurs" qui viennent en Afrique ne sont que des prédateurs! Graham Peebles donne raison a Lokongo!


L'Afrique doit écrire sa propre histoire (définir ses propres regles du jeu) - Patrice Lumumba


Commercial Colonisation of Africa


Graham Peebles, NationofChange 28 June 2013

Driven overwhelmingly by self-interest and profit, the current crop of “investors” differ little from their colonial ancestors. 

The New Wild West

Dancing to the tune of their corporate benefactors, governments of the ruling G8 countries are enacting complex agriculture agreements delivering large tracts of prime cut African soil into the portfolios of their multinational bedmates.

Desperate for foreign investment, countries throughout Africa are at the mercy of their new colonial masters – national and international agrochemical corporations, fighting for land, water and control of the world’s food supplies. Driven overwhelmingly by self-interest and profit, the current crop of ‘investors’ differ little from their colonial ancestors. The means may have changed, but the aim – to rape and pillage, no matter the sincere sounding rhetoric, remains more or less the same.

Regarded by her northern guides as agriculturally underperforming, Sub-Saharan Africa is seen The African Centre for Bio-diversity (ACB) relate, as a “new frontier”, a place to “make profits, with an eye on land, food and biofuels in particular". Africa, then, is the new Wild West; smallholder farmers and indigenous people are the natives Indians, the multi nationals and their democratically elected representatives – or salesmen - the settlers.

Various initiatives offering what is, indisputably, much needed ‘support and investment’ flowing north to south. Key amongst these is The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa (NAFSNA), designed by the governments of the eight richest economies, for some of the poorest countries in the world. The New Alliance was born out of the G8 summit in May 2012 at Camp David and, according to, War on Want (WoW), “has been modelled on the ‘new vision’ of private investment in agriculture developed by management consultants McKinsey in conjunction with the ABCD group of leading grain traders (ADM, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus) and other multinational agribusiness companies.” (Ibid) It has been written in honourable terms to sit comfortably within the Africa Union’s Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), bestowing an aura of international credibility.

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The New Alliance… in land and seed appropriation

At first glance, The New Alliance, with its altruistically-gilded aims, appears to be a worthy development. Who amongst us could argue with the intention as reported by the United Nations (UN), to “achieve sustained and inclusive agricultural growth and raise 50 million people out of poverty over the next 10 years”. The means to achieving this noble quest however, are skewed, ignoring the rights and needs of small-holder farmers and the wishes of local people – who are not consulted during the heady negotiations with government officials local and national, and the multi zillion $ corporations who are swarming to buy their ancestral land. Alliance contracts and deals-done favour wealthy investors, revealing the underlying, unjust G8 initiatives objective, to “open up African agriculture to multinational agribusiness companies by means of national ‘cooperation frameworks’ between African governments, donors and private sector investors”, WoW report.

Poverty reduction (the principle stated aim of the Alliance), will be achieved we are told, not by rational methods of sharing and re-distribution, but USAID 05/18/2012 reveal, by “aligning the commitments of Africa’s leadership to drive effective country plans and policies for food security”. ‘Plans and policies’, drafted no doubt in the hallowed meeting rooms of those driving the ‘New Alliance’: the G8 governments and their cohorts including The World Bank and, pulling the policy strings, the agriculture companies sitting behind them, nestling alongside the pharmaceutical giants and the arms industry magnates. With African governments anxious to eat at the head table, or at least be invited into the cocktail chamber they have little choice but to sign up to such unbalanced ‘plans and policies’.

To date, nine African countries (from a continent of 54 nation states), have committed to The New Alliance. First to sign up were, Tanzania, Ghana and the West’s favoured ally in the region Ethiopia – where wide ranging human rights violations, including forced displacement and rapes have reportedly accompanied land sales, and where over 250,000 people in Gambella have been forced into the Orwellian sounding ‘Villagization Programmes’. Then came Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Cote d’Ivoire, followed by Benin, Malawi, and Nigeria. It is an agreement dripping with strings that promise to entangle the innocent and uninformed. After “wide-ranging consultations on land and farming”, with officials from potential partner countries, the results of which were “ignored in the agreements with the G8”, deals “between African governments and private companies were facilitated by the World Economic Forum”, behind, The Guardian report, firmly closed doors.

Conditional to investment promised by The New Alliance, African leaders, USAID tell us are ‘committed’ – forced may be a better word - “to refine [government] policies in order to improve investment opportunities”. In plain English, African countries are required to, change their trade and agriculture laws to include ending the free distribution of seeds, relax the tax system and national export controls and open the doors for profit repatriation (allowing the money as well as the crops to be exported). In Mozambique, as elsewhere across the continent, local farmers have been evicted from their land under land sales agreements, and The Guardian 06/10/2013 report, “is now obliged to write new laws promoting what its agreement calls "partnerships" of this kind”. A polluted term, disguising the real relationship between African governments and the multi-national ‘investors’, which is closer to master and maid than equal collaborators.

The Alliance offers a combination of public and private money to African countries willing to take the G8 plunge into international political-economic duplicity, with, ACB relate “the large multinational seed, fertiliser and agrochemical companies setting the agenda … and philanthropic institutions (like AGRA and others) establishing the institutional and infrastructural mechanisms to realise this agenda”. Britain has pledged £395 million of foreign aid whilst, according to the UN “over 45 local and multinational companies have expressed their intent to invest over $3 billion across the agricultural value chain in Grow Africa countries [a Programme of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) established by the African Union in 2003.].” In order to get their hands on some of the corporations billions however, African nations are required to “change their seed laws, trade laws and land ownership in order to prioritise corporate profits over local food needs”, Mozambique e.g. is contracted, The Guardian tell us to “systematically cease distribution of free and unimproved seeds", and is drawing up new laws granting intellectual property rights (IPR) of seeds, that will "promote private sector investment". In other words, laws are being written that allow foreign companies – ‘investors’ (a word used to mislead and bestow legitimacy) - to grab the land of their African ‘partners’, patent their seeds and monopolise their food markets. In Ghana, Tanzania and Ivory Coast, similar regulations sit on the table waiting to be rubber-stamped.

The re-writing of seed laws, along with the fact that these unbalanced deals allow “big multinational seed, fertiliser and agrochemical companies such as Yara, Monsanto, Syngenta and Cargill to set the agenda”, is a major concern expressed by environmental NGO’s and campaigners, Reuters 06/20/2013 report. These are concerns that the initiating G8 governments, were they at all troubled by the impact of their meddling, should share.

The wide ownership, by a small number of huge agro-chemical companies of the rights to seeds and fertilisers, is creating, the UN in their report on the Right to Food, state: “monopoly privileges to plant breeders and patent-holders through the tools of intellectual property”. This growing trend, facilitated through the support of the G8 governments is placing more and more control of the worldwide food supply in their hands, and is causing, “the poorest farmers [to] become increasingly dependent on expensive inputs, creating the risk of indebtedness in the face of unstable incomes.” India is a case in question where farmers strangled by debt are committing suicide at a rate of two per hour.

Investment Support Sharing

African farmers, and civil society along with 25 British campaign groups including War on Want, Friends of the Earth, The Gaia Foundation and the World Development Movement, have declared their objections to the New Alliance and asked that the government withhold the £395 million so generously pledged by Prime Minister Cameron. The African civil society are in no doubt that “opening markets and creating space for multinationals to secure profits lie at the heart of the G8 intervention”, they “recognise the New Alliance is a poisoned chalice, and they are right to reject it”, asserts Kirtana Chandrasekaran of Friends of the Earth (FoE).

Having made a continental mess of their own countries’ economies, not to mention the environmental mayhem caused by their neo-liberal economic policies, It is with unabashed colonial arrogance that the G8 governments deem to tell African countries what to do with their land and how best to do it. Not only do they have no genuine interest in Africa, save what can be gained from it, but they have “no legitimacy to intervene in matters of food, hunger and land tenure in Africa or any other part of the world”, as WoW make clear. The New Alliance, according to David Cameron, is “a great combination of promoting good governance and helping Africa to feed its people”. He and the rest of the G8 sitting comfortably club, are, FoE state, “pretending to be tackling hunger and land grabbing in Africa while backing a scheme that will ruin the lives of hundreds of thousands of small farmers”. This new deal is “a pro-corporate assault on African nations”, providing ‘investment and support‘ opportunities for greedy investors, looking to further expand their corporate assets with the support of participating governments obliged to provide a selection box of state incentives.

The ending of hunger in sub-Saharan Africa, India and elsewhere, will not be brought about by allowing large tracts of land to be bought up by corporations whose only interest is in maximizing return on investment. Far from providing investment and support for the people of Africa, The Alliance is a mask for exploitation and profiteering: True investment in Africa is investment in the people of Africa; the smallholder farmers, the women and children, the communities across the continent. It involves working collectively, consulting, encouraging participation and crucially sharing. Sharing of knowledge, experience and technology, sharing the natural resources – the land, food and water, the minerals and other resources equitably amongst the people of Africa and indeed the wider world. Such radical, commonsense ideas would go a long way to creating not only food security but harmony, trust and social justice which just might bring about peace.


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29 juin 2013 6 29 /06 /juin /2013 05:20
Exclusive - Rwanda army officers aiding
M23 rebels in Congo - UN experts


The Origins of War in the DRC
How the region became overrun by warlords and lacking any kind of functional government.
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29 juin 2013 6 29 /06 /juin /2013 05:03

News / Africa
DRC to Export Stockpiled Minerals


Miner in eastern Congo digs for ore to produce tin in this 2012 photo. Miner in eastern Congo digs for ore to produce tin in this 2012 photo.
Nick Long

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28 juin 2013 5 28 /06 /juin /2013 16:23
Le Président du Kyrgyzstan, Almazbek Atambayev, ordonne fermeture de la base militaire americaine dans son pays. Ultimatum, Juillet 2014.   En Afrique, les bases militaires américaines se multiplient!
Bill: US forces must abandon the base by July 2014

CCTV 06-28-2013 14:32 BJT




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The President of Kyrgyzstan, Almazbek Atambayev, has signed a bill ordering the closure of a US airbase.

Based on the bill, US forces must abandon the base at the Manas International Airport by July 2014. The airbase serves as the main transit hub for NATO forces in Afghanistan. It’s located in the suburb of the capital Bishkek.

There are around a thousand US servicemen stationed at the airbase. They have been in operation since the end of 2001. The Kyrgyz parliament approved the legislation by 91 votes to five last Thursday.

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27 juin 2013 4 27 /06 /juin /2013 16:25

La province cuprifère du Katanga a exporté 600,000 tonnes de cuivre en 2012 - Reuters



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27 juin 2013 4 27 /06 /juin /2013 16:17

Le patriote Lokongo vient de publier cet article dans Pambnzuka, un magazine electronique international.


pourparlers États-Unis-Talibans : une leçon pour Kagame et Museveni: Voici pourquoi les pourparlers Américano-Talibans devraient ouvrir la voie AU dialogue Kagame-FDLR, Museveni-LRA.



US-Taliban talks: a lesson for Kagame and Museveni

Why US-Taliban talks should open the way for Kagame-FDLR, Museveni-LRA dialogue
Antoine Roger Lokongo
2013-06-26, Issue 636
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The current US-Taliban talks now remove any pretexts Kagame and Museveni might have not to talk to the FDLR and to the LRA, respectively. Tanzanian President, Jakaya Kikwete’s proposal for talks involving all parties in the Great Lakes region to find a permanent political solution to the problems of the region must be urgently heeded
What was inconceivable just a few days ago is now becoming a reality. At last, the US has agreed to open direct peace talks with the Taliban in Qatar to find a political solution to the crisis in Afghanistan (BBC report, 18 June 2013), notwithstanding the fact that the Taliban are a well-known ‘terrorist group’ affiliated to, in fact the main backer of Al Qaida.

Similarly, at last, Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete has come up with a solution that can transform the Great Lakes Region, root and branch, from a state of insecurity to a state of peace which can lead to sustainable development for the region. Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) will definitely deal with justice issues related to the crimes against humanity and genocide committed by Congo’s two neighbours in Congo since 1998, but right now this process must begin with the ‘Inter-Rwandan Dialogue’ and ‘Inter-Ugandan Dialogue.’ In this regard, the DRC has already shown the way by accepting to dialogue with rebels beginning with the Lusaka peace accord, the Sun City peace accord and now the Kampala peace dialogue with the M23 rebels, chaired by Uganda; notwithstanding the fact that several UN Security Council reports have clearly proven, as a matter of fact, that the M23 is just a creature of Rwandan and Uganda. Just this week, 16 Rwandan youth escaped to Uganda and demanded political asylum there after refusing to be forcefully recruited to fight for the M23, according to a South Africa-based Times Live report on 17 June 2013.


The Tanzanian leader recently summoned his courage to say out loud what others have only been whispering for too long now and called on Rwandan President Paul Kagame to talk to the Allied Democratic Forces and the National Army for the Liberation of Uganda (FDLR) rebels - accused of having committed genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and who still continue to represent a security threat to Rwanda according to the government in Kigali - since the military option seems not to be working. President Kikwete also urged Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to talk to the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels and others such as the Allied Democratic Forces and the National Army for the Liberation of Uganda (ADF.NALU) believed to be holed in eastern Congo. He also asked Congolese President Joseph Kabila to talk to the M23 rebels and other Congolese armed groups operating in eastern Congo. The Tanzanian leader made those remarks at a meeting of Heads of State from the Great Lakes Region in Addis Ababa, on the sidelines of last month’s African Union Summit in Ethiopia, as The East African reported on 10 June 2013.

Whereas President Kikwete’s remarks seems to have knocked some sense into President Museveni – he actually said in reaction that ‘we talk to those who want to talk and we isolate some’ – President Kagame for his part hit the roof, describing Kikwete’s proposals as ‘utter nonsense’; and resorting to his usual tactic of fishing for sympathy by suggesting that president Kiwete’s remarks were made out of ‘ignorance’ and represented an ‘ideological problem,’ as The East African reported on 10 June 2013. In fact, Rwandan Foreign Affairs Minister, Louise Mushikiwabo and Defense Minister, James Kabarebe, went as far as publicly cursing the Tanzanian President and called him a sympathizer of ‘genocidist’, a ‘genocide denier’, and other names, as AfroAmerica Network reported on 1 June 2013; and demanded an official apology from the Tanzanian leader. The Rwandan request was swiftly rejected.

On 2 June 2013, Uganda’s Redpepper newspaper, quoted Bernard Membe, Tanzanian Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister, as saying: ‘President Jakaya Kikwete will not apologise to Rwanda or change his stand that the Rwandan government should negotiate with rebels. There is no way the Head of State could apologise for saying the truth and stating a fact.’

Mr. Membe reiterated Tanzania’s position that Rwanda had no option but to get into peace talks with rebels most of whom are fighting President Paul Kagame’s regime from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) forests. He said fighting the rebels unsuccessfully for 17 years necessitated the need to negotiate with them. According to Mr Membe, Tanzania sees the presence of such rebels in the DRC forests as a setback in the region’s peace process.


That was an eye-catching New York Times’ headline a year ago. The two parties have now reached the end of the path since they have announced a concrete date when those talks are going to take place. Washington is going to dialogue with the ‘terrorists’ it has been fighting since 2001. History has proven it again and again, that this is the road no country is exempt from, not even the tiny Rwanda; taking into consideration the fact that Japan which bombed America (Pearl Harbour) during the WWII has become the most staunch ally of America in modern times, the Northern Ireland experience whereby London negotiated with ‘terrorists’ IRA, the South African experience whereby Nelson Mandela negotiated with the stakeholders of the apartheid system, the Kenyan experience recently, the Congolese experience whereby Kinshasa negotiated with its own rebels, and so on.

What is odd with the Rwandan case is the fact that Britain and America which overtly support Rwanda and Uganda’s predatory war and murdering adventure in Congo, have all dialogued with the people they have for years considered and fought against as ‘terrorists.’ But now Britain, America and Belgium instead of doing justice to or applying their own experience in the case of Rwanda, have all fiercely criticized Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete’s saving solution for the Great Lakes Region instead; thus unashamedly promoting a kind of ‘Rwandan exceptionalism’ that even goes against their own experience and (moral) principles because Rwanda and Uganda have been made into a cover of their own strategic interests in the region. This justifies the continuation of an unjust war imposed on the Congolese people for almost 20 years now; during which over 5 million people have been killed, women systematically raped (rape used a weapon of war) and Congo’s natural and mineral resources systematically looted, especially the mineral coltan highly needed by the world high-tech industry for the manufacturing of computers, mobile phones, wind turbines, drones, satellites and so on). Now we understand what ‘American values’ are all about. But are surprised? No!

President Obama’s new national security adviser, Susan Rice, has not been averse to supporting autocratic regimes in Africa, recently suppressing a UN report criticizing the government of Rwanda, a US ally, for supporting the M-23 rebels in eastern Congo. The rebels, led by a notorious warlord wanted by the International Criminal Court, have wreaked havoc in the troubled province of North Kivu. Rice dismissed the report, saying, ‘It's eastern Congo. If it were not the M23 killing people, it would be some other armed groups.’ (Stephen Zunes, Truthout, 17 June 2013).

If Americans believe in democracy, why don’t they convince Paul Kagame to release opposition leader Victoire Ingabire from prison or to give her a fair trial at least? Is it because she is not the kind of opposition leader America expects her to be?

Recently, the Obama administration which has repeatedly accused China of hacking and waging cyber attacks on America, lost an incredible amount of face when American CIA agent and whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed massive phone and Internet spying and hacking attacks which America has been conducting on China for years. That is what you call ‘double standards’ which is not far from moral bankruptcy.


President Kagame has to come off his high horse (provided by Britain and America and powerful lobbies in Europe and America. This applies to President Museveni as well). It really, really beggars belief why, the Rwandan President thinks ‘the problems related to the situation in Congo are mainly political and need political solutions, not military ones [meaning the UN-SADC intervention brigade will solve nothing in eastern Congo]’ (BBC interview, 20 May 2013), but when President Kikwete suggests that the solution to Rwanda’s problems are political since the military option seems not to be working, he hits the roof! The Rwandan story has been distorted by Western governments, media and powerful lobbies’assumptions, so much so that, anybody who wants to apply ‘Ockham's razor’ to it, is immediately accused of being a ‘genocide denier’ or harbouring ‘genocide ideology’!

The following facts, recently highlighted by Julien Paluku, the Congolese governor of the North Kivu Province (parts of which are now occupied by Rwanda and Uganda backed M23) tend to be swept under the carpet for reasons that beggar belief:

- To affirm that Kagame’s Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) invaded Rwanda from Uganda and from Virunga Park, is a fact. Equally, to affirm that from Uganda and from the Virunga Park, to the periphery of Kigali (before actually the main atrocities took place following the shooting down of Hutu President Habyarimana’s plane about which light still needs to be shed), the RPF killed nobody at all in this war scenario beggars belief!

- Should all Hutu Rwandans who live outside the country be considered as ‘genocidists’? No! In fact there are three categories of Hutu Rwandans living outside the country:

a. There are those most sought after by the Rwandan and the international justice systems because they are the real criminals who perpetrated heinous atrocities in Rwanda in 1994. These individuals must answer for the crimes they committed against their fellow Rwandans, they should have a much harsher treatment from the Rwandan government and the international justice system. However, they no longer represent a security threat to Rwanda because their numbers have significantly been reduced, according to Rwandan Defence Minister General James Kabarebe himself.

‘Years of a combination of political, social and military engagements have left the militia group in dismal numbers. That is why [their] strength has diminished from 150,000 to a dismal 2000!’ he said (News of Rwanda, 3 June 2013). 

b. Then there are those Rwandans who are political refugees, having fled the authoritarian, mono-ethnic and monolithic regime of terror now in place in Kigali for the last 19 years. That regime abhors any slightest possibility of power sharing among all sons and daughters of Rwanda. The illustration is the conviction of an internationally-known opposition leader, Ms.Victoire Ingabire. She was sentenced to eight years in prison, a sentence which will run until 2018. All this is aimed at preventing her from standing for the 2017 presidential election. Her only sin is to have dared to present herself as a candidate for the office of president in the 2010 presidential election.

In line with Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete’s plan, this is the category of Rwandans President Paul Kagame should engage and dialogue with since they have nothing to do with the genocide but they have been unfairly and indiscriminately labeled as ‘genocidists’ or people harbouring a ‘genocidal ideology’, simply in order to silence them.

c. Finally, there is this other category of totally innocent Rwandans who have nothing to do with the genocide because when the atrocities occurred in 1994, they were either teenagers (under 18 years old in 1994) or those who have been born after 1994. They are fortuitously accused of having participated in the genocide while they were neither closely nor far away involved in the atrocities of 1994. This category includes all those who have been born outside Rwanda, that is to say, during this time of refuge. To date, their age varies between 19 and nearly 35-year-old. The ideology of genocide must not be imputed on or attributed to them because they did not reach the age of reason at the time of the crime, nor have they been present on Rwandan soil during those days because they were born outside the country.

So, President Jakaya Kikwete’s plan concerns these last two categories of Rwandans who are completely excluded from the political management of their country, Rwanda. Those who call upon Kagame to dialogue with them are in no way ‘bearer of the genocide ideology,’ nor ‘FDLR’s mouthpieces.’


President Museveni’s position according to which ‘he talks to those who want to talk and he isolates some’, is dodging the problems because there are conditionalities attached. If the political space is not open to all Ugandans without any conditionalities, this is recipe for disaster. The ultimate solution to the Ugandan situation has been proposed by Professor Mahmood Mamdani. His article about the Kony 2012 Video shenanigan remains an eye opener for the situation in Uganda as well as in Rwanda (Pambazuka, 15 March 2012, Issue 576).

He wrote: ‘The solution is not to eliminate the LRA (or ADF/NALU for that matter) physically…At its core the LRA remains a Ugandan problem calling for a Ugandan political solution.’ That says it all.


By analogy, the solution in Rwanda is not to eliminate the Hutu physically. At its core the Hutu problem remains a Rwandan problem calling for a Rwandan political solution. We Congolese have had enough to bear the brunt of the Ugandan and Rwandan internal problems which they export into our country. The US-Taliban talks now remove any pretexts Kagame and Museveni might have NOT to talk to the FDLR and to the LRA, respectively. Despite the voice of ‘double standards’ and ‘Rwandan exceptionalism’ coming out of Europe and America, Kigali may not escape this route for too long now. Right now, the voice of reason comes from Tanzania and it is going to prove to be irresistible for humanity’s sake. The genie is already out of the bottle and the total liberation of Patrice Lumumba and Laurent Laurent-Désiré Kabila’s Congo is nigh!

* Antoine Roger Lokongo is a journalist and Beijing University PhD candidate from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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  • : Congo Panorama. Le blog du soldat du peuple: Par Antoine Roger Lokongo, le Soldat du Peuple engagé dans la bataille des idées pour un Congo meilleur. Un Congo qui s'assume et devient un parténaire clé de la Chine, hier un pays sous-développé, qui, en un lapse de temps, a changé son destin en comptant sur ses propres efforts et devenu une puissance.
  • : A partir des idées de mes héros, Patrice Emery Lumumba et Laurent Désiré Kabila, je suis l'actualité politique de mon pays, la République Démocratique du Congo en partuclier et de l'Afrique en général et je donne mes commentaires. Antoine Roger Lokongo
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Hymne des Opprimés

  Ces CPP-ci sont la lumière des ouvriers
et des paysans,
ainsi que de tout opprimé.

Il n’y a point de doute d’abattre l’exploitation et de créer une juste société.

Notre serment est de ne jamais échouer,
enjoignons toutes nos forces en un faisceau,
tenons bien nos armes dans nos mains,
car ces CPP sont la force du peuple.

Dans sa noble cause,
jamais de spoliation.

Notre lutte revendique nos droits,
quoiqu’il en coûte,
jamais de servitude.

Pour les opprimés,
la Révolution est un rempart,
son ultime but est que le peuple gouverne.

Laurent Désiré Kabila,
lâchement assassiné le 16 janvier 2001.


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