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16 février 2013 6 16 /02 /février /2013 11:41

Aide alimentaire dans des camps de réfugiés en Afrique et le scandal de la viande de cheval qui sécoue actuellement l'Europe! La question se pose-t-elle?

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16 février 2013 6 16 /02 /février /2013 07:07
Zimbabwe: Let's Create Our Firms - President Mugabe Addressing Zimbabweans studying in China

Mugabe and the Chinese

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe has turned the tables on his Chinese allies saying Zimbabwe would be stupid to accept investment from China and any other foreign country without pre-conditions.


This contradicted Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment minister Saviour Kasukuwere, who was once quoted saying the Chinese would not be affected by the indigenisation regulations.


Addressing the Zanu PF 13th Annual National People's Conference in Gweru, Mugabe warned the Chinese that they would no longer be protected from the controversial indigenisation laws, which compel foreign-owned companies to cede 51% shareholding to locals.


"Even our Chinese friends, you have to accept our rules here if you want to work with us," he said.


Mugabe said the Chinese should respect local conditions and vice-versa.


"We have to work on a reciprocal basis," he said.


Mugabe said foreign investors were free to bring in their capital and technology, but should never dream of owning land and majority shareholding in local companies. "This will be robbery, theft," he thundered. "If you are a leader and agree to this robbery, then you are not a good custodian of your people's resources."


He said it was time 100% indigenisation was introduced, claiming the country had now done enough to acquire 51% shareholding in foreign-owned companies.


He said mining would be the first sector to be affected by the proposed 100% indigenisation.


Meanwhile, Mugabe has been challenged by party supporters to walk the talk and stop making empty threats after he said he would fire all ministers fingered in corruption.


Mugabe said he was informed by former South Africa President Thabo Mbeki that his trusted lieutenants were demanding bribes of up to US$5 million from potential investors claiming part of the bribes were meant for him.


Immediately after the threat, ministers could be seen fidgeting in their seats while the rest of the delegates applauded and pointed at them.


Delegates at the Gweru Convention Centre could be heard murmuring that the President should stop exciting people and pulling a ruse over people's face.


"The President always says things that excite us, but never acts," said a delegate, who for obvious reasons, declined to be identified - Standard.

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16 février 2013 6 16 /02 /février /2013 05:51

Diana en prison!!! Délit de presse? Dernièrement, dans un article paru dans la Libre Belgique, le Prof. Omasombo a qualifié le gvt Kabila de "tribaliste". Pourquoi L. Mende n'a pas porté plainte? 

Ce sont des accusations très graves n'est ce pas?


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16 février 2013 6 16 /02 /février /2013 05:50

Fiction ou realité? Où sont passés les 8 avions de transport civil dont Les LACS se sont dotés, fruit d'un contrat signé sous Muzito avec AVIC, une entreprise d'état chinoise?

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16 février 2013 6 16 /02 /février /2013 05:49

En 2009, un lecteur de Times Picayune [basé a New Orleans, Etats-Unis] avait posté un commentaire révelant que Martin Kabwelulu avait perçus des pots de vin de la part de Freeport MacMoran, avancant le chiffre d'1 million de dollars américains.

Ce lecteur n'est pas n'importe qui. C'est un ancien employé de Freeport MacMoran.

Ce sont des accusations graves! Mais le gouvernement n'a ni réagi ni porté plainte contre Times Picayune!

Vous avez dit délit de presse? 

Here is the link of the article and comments: http://www.nola.com/business/index.ssf/2009/03/freeportmcmorans_contracts_wit.html

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16 février 2013 6 16 /02 /février /2013 00:12
A ce moment même, 500 soldats FARDC rejoignent les soldats Ougandais pour pourchasser Joseph Kony. Ensuite les soldats Ougandais joindront les FARDC pour neutraliser les M23. Let us wait and see! How ironical!
500 DRC soldiers to hunt Kony



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iol pic ugandan soldier -lra


File image - Ugandan soldiers patrol on April 19, 2012 through the central African jungle during an operation to fish out notorious Lord's Resistance Army leader Joseph Kony.


Kampala, Uganda - The African Union says Congo has sent 500 troops to join a Uganda-led military effort to hunt down Joseph Kony, the fugitive head of the Lord's Resistance Army rebel group.

The troops were handed over in a ceremony Wednesday, the African Union said in a statement received Friday, bringing to 3,350 the number of African soldiers deployed against the LRA.

Uganda, South Sudan and the Central African Republic have already contributed troops to an African Union military program conceived last year to eliminate the LRA from the vast jungles of central Africa. They are assisted by about 100 U.S. military advisers.

The LRA watchdog group Enough Project says the military mission against the LRA, a brutal group that recruits children, needs more boots on the ground. - Sapa-AP

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16 février 2013 6 16 /02 /février /2013 00:09
SA, eight others to bolster DRC forces


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iol picvid drc -un


File image - The South Africa contingent of the UN peacekeepers in Congo erect a razor wire barrier around Goma airport in the Democratic Republic of Congo.



Nine Southern African countries, including South Africa, have pledged contributions to a military force being established to go into the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with a tough mandate to pacify armed militias that have been destabilising the region for years.

Angola, Malawi, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia, Lesotho, Mauritius and Zimbabwe are the other countries that have pledged contributions, Deputy Minister of International Relations and Co-operation Ebrahim Ebrahim disclosed at a press conference in Pretoria yesterday

He said the government had not decided what South Africa would contribute. Other officials have said it may transfer its contingent of about 1 200 troops from Monusco, the UN peacekeeping force in the DRC, into the new force, which Ebrahim said would be commanded and staffed by countries of 15-member the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

If this is done, they would graduate to the more dangerous task of peace enforcement.

Ebrahim said he had heard Lesotho had pledged 200 soldiers for the SADC contingent, to be called the Neutral International Force.

He said that at an extraordinary SADC summit in Maputo on Friday regional leaders had urged the AU Commission, SADC and the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region to engage the UN urgently about the deployment of the new force.

Ebrahim said the force would operate under a UN mandate and would require a UN Security Council resolution to authorise it.

He could not say if the SADC force would have a separate mandate from Monusco, but diplomats at the UN in New York believe the thinking is that it would have a separate and tougher mandate than the rest of Monusco.

This would enable it to engage forcefully with the many “negative forces” roaming the eastern DRC – especially the ethnic-Tutsi M23 rebels, who are widely suspected to be supported by Rwanda and possibly Uganda and who have successfully challenged the DRC army and Monusco.

They captured the provincial capital Goma in November, forcing the DRC army and Monusco to retreat.They withdrew after negotiations with the DRC government and neighbouring countries.

UN diplomats say giving just the SADC contingent rather than the whole of Monusco a tougher mandate would avert the risk of other countries with troops in Monusco pulling them out because of the greater risk they would face.

Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula told journalists at the AU summit in Addis Ababa last month that the SADC wanted the Neutral International Force to have command autonomy so it could respond quickly to attack without having to wait for orders from Kinshasa or New York. On the other hand, the SADC wants the new force to be part of Monusco so it can be funded by the UN.

There have been concerns that the five permanent members of the UN Security Council may not agree to finance a force that is not under direct UN command, but UN diplomats believe they will do so.

The SADC and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon had a disagreement over the proposed force at the AU summit, when President Jacob Zuma and other SADC leaders refused to participate with Ban in a public ceremony at which they were all to sign his proposed Peace, Security and Co-operation Framework for the force.

Mapisa-Nqakula said the SADC leaders had felt they had not been properly consulted. Also, there were disagreements about who would command the force.

But the differences have evidently been resolved as Ebrahim said the SADC summit had welcomed Ban’s initiative and commended his proposed framework setting out the responsibilities of players in achieving peace and stability in the region.

Pretoria News

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15 février 2013 5 15 /02 /février /2013 11:28
La Tanzanie dirigera les forces anti-rebelles  bien équipées en RDC.Tanzanian-led anti-rebel force in DRC given teeth!

Quelle insulte! Les agressueurs Rwandais et l'Ougandais, ne sont pas contents que la SADC - et l'Afrique du Sud en particulier - soit impliquée dans ce qu'ils considèrent comme leur arrière-cour.


It has been decided that Tanzania will lead the mission to eliminaterebel groups in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

After months of behind-the-scenes wrangling over who will lead the mission to eliminate rebel groups in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), it has been decided that Tanzania will provide the force commander for the battalion.

Brigadier General Maaparankoe Mahao, the chief of staff for planning at the Southern African Development Community (SADC), told the Mail & Guardian this week that SADC and the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) had agreed that the planned Neutral Intervention Force would fall under SADC control. It is planned that the battalion will comprise 4000 troops.

Rwanda and Uganda, both of which have been accused of backing anti-government rebels in the DRC, are not happy that the SADC – and South Africa specifically – is getting involved in what they consider their own backyard. They wanted the intervention force to be deployed under the auspices of the ICGLR, but analysts said the presence of Tanzania at the helm would go some way towards appeasing the two countries.

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15 février 2013 5 15 /02 /février /2013 07:16
This is positive but not good enough! Africans must launch their own mining companies!
Randgold Resources: 'Kibali gold project to give half of revenue to DRC'


Symbol Price Change
^FTSE 6,327.36 -31.75

LONDON (ShareCast) - FTSE 100 (FTSE:^FTSE-news) listed gold mining and exploration companyRandgold Resourceshas promised that the Kibali mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo will 'return about half of its revenue to the state in the form of taxes, royalties and dividends, in a statement issued on Thursday.

The mine, in which Rangold Resources owns a45% stake, is expected to produce the first gold by the end of this year and has an estimated life of 20 years.

According to Randgold Resources, the combined pit and mining operation plans to produce an average of more than600,000 ounces per yearbetween 2014 and 2023, potentially making it one of the largest gold mines in the world.

Mark Bristow,Chief Executive Officerof Randgold Resources, stated that the project would bringlasting economic benefits to the whole country.

He said that the Kibali project is currently providing employment to 6,000 Congolese individuals and 12 Congolese contractors have been appointed to construct the new model village of Kokiza. Some 1,800 families have been relocated to date from the mine site to Kokiza where the company said new houses were being built at a rate of 45 per week.

According to the World Bank, the country's vast mineral and agricultural resources have the potential to make the Democratic Republic of Congo one of Africa's richest countries and one of the continent's key engines for growth.

However, the country is currently recovering from a series of conflicts that occurred in the 1990s and remains a fragile post-conflict country much in need of enormous reconstruction and economic growth.

The United Nations estimates that there are some 2.3m displaced persons and refugees in the country and more than 300,000 Democratic Republic of Congo nationals living in refugee camps outside the country.

The humanitarian crisis in the country remains major concern, according to the World Bank.


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15 février 2013 5 15 /02 /février /2013 07:14

RDC: Mbuji-Mayi: la Miba n’a pas trouvé d’acheteur pour son diamant de 114.63 carats.


Quand est ce que le Congo va fabriquer des bijoux (industrie de bijouterie)sur place a Mbuji Mayi?! PLus le temps passe, plus les minerais s'épuisent!

"In Congo, people want power TO MAKE BIG MONEY not to build a modern Congo" - Dixit Lokongo 

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  • : Congo Panorama. Le blog du soldat du peuple: Par Antoine Roger Lokongo, le Soldat du Peuple engagé dans la bataille des idées pour un Congo meilleur. Un Congo qui s'assume et devient un parténaire clé de la Chine, hier un pays sous-développé, qui, en un lapse de temps, a changé son destin en comptant sur ses propres efforts et devenu une puissance.
  • : A partir des idées de mes héros, Patrice Emery Lumumba et Laurent Désiré Kabila, je suis l'actualité politique de mon pays, la République Démocratique du Congo en partuclier et de l'Afrique en général et je donne mes commentaires. Antoine Roger Lokongo
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Hymne des Opprimés

  Ces CPP-ci sont la lumière des ouvriers
et des paysans,
ainsi que de tout opprimé.

Il n’y a point de doute d’abattre l’exploitation et de créer une juste société.

Notre serment est de ne jamais échouer,
enjoignons toutes nos forces en un faisceau,
tenons bien nos armes dans nos mains,
car ces CPP sont la force du peuple.

Dans sa noble cause,
jamais de spoliation.

Notre lutte revendique nos droits,
quoiqu’il en coûte,
jamais de servitude.

Pour les opprimés,
la Révolution est un rempart,
son ultime but est que le peuple gouverne.

Laurent Désiré Kabila,
lâchement assassiné le 16 janvier 2001.


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