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14 février 2013 4 14 /02 /février /2013 06:48

L'autre agresseur de la RDC c'est aussi la BBC qui veut  effacer l'histoire récente de la RDC qui connait des agressions de la part du Rwanda et de l'Ouganda soutenues par le gouvernement britannique et non des rebellions comme le prétend la BBC dans cet article. Il y a des prisoniers de guerre Rwandais qui ont été capturés et les FARDC ont tué 151 soldats Rwandais  à Kibumba, tout récemment!

"DR Congo has been hit by numerous rebellions throughout Joseph Kabila's rule".


Rappellons que la BBC se moque tuoujours du peuple Congolais: "Un peuple dont les larmes ne se sécheront jamais" selon elle. Ah bon!

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14 février 2013 4 14 /02 /février /2013 06:38

Le Rwanda divise l'Union Européenne. L'Allemagne, pays d'origine d'Adolphe Hitler banalise les crimes contre l'humanite commis par les Tutsi au Congo,dégèle son aide budgetaire au profit du Rwanda!


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14 février 2013 4 14 /02 /février /2013 06:36
Les forces de la SADC vont imposer la paix! Kagame va-t-il encore évoquer les FDLR comme prétexte ou épouvantail? 
Sadc brigade ‘can impose peace by force’


SOUTHERN African peacekeepers will have the power to enforce peace in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, rather than just keep it, Southern African Development Community (Sadc) leaders decided at hastily convened talks on the Congo crisis in Maputo at the weekend.

Sadc Secretary-General Tomaz Salamão said its 4,000-strong force would be given the power "to engage with whoever is trying to destabilise the situation in the eastern part of Congo".

The mandate is in stark contrast to that of United Nations (UN) forces in the Congo, who can shoot only if attacked. About 17,000 UN peacekeepers were criticised last year after M23 rebels overran the city of Goma.

The Sadc brigade will nominally fall under the UN, but have its own command structure. Sadc officials said planning for the deployment was "advanced", but they needed an official mandate from the UN Security Council.

South Africa, Tanzania, Malawi and Zimbabwe have committed to sending troops. Other countries, such as Zambia and Namibia, have pledged financial or logistical support. Mozambique has not yet given a firm troop commitment.

Sadc said in December it aimed to raise $100m for the mission.

Friday’s extraordinary summit was the culmination of a series of meetings to discuss what Mozambican Foreign Minister Oldemiro Baloi called "the hottest dossier facing us right now".

Mozambican President Armando Guebuza said: "We have a moral obligation to continue to engage ourselves with courage and serenity, with our experience, resources and sense of humanity, to remove the spectre of insecurity for the people of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo."

The issues of the mandate and command structure of the Sadc force has been holding up the signing of a UN regional peace deal for the Congo. Neighbouring Tanzania hailed Friday’s breakthrough as a real chance for peace.

"It is a big leap forward for peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo," said Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, who heads Sadc’s troika on politics, defence and security. He was in Maputo to report back on his talks with the UN and Great Lakes countries on the peacekeeping force.

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14 février 2013 4 14 /02 /février /2013 06:34
Face to face with Johnnie Carson/ Face à face avec Johnnie Carson
During his lecture's Q&A session (10.11.2011), I asked The US Under-Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson why he was so upbeat about "China and America helping Africa", what do the Africans themselves make of it? At the same time hate speeches in America against China in Africa are a daily occurence. I told him that America has an African recolonisation agenda given the number of military bases America is building in Africa (the Chinese at least are building infrastructures). I said because America is hit by the global financial crisis, it wants to devour Africa's oil in Libya, Congo's minerals (Freeport MacMoran in Congo) and so on to solve the problem.
The US Under-Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson told me that people should forget the past (Hilary Clinton said the same thing in Kinshasa a year ago when she was asked literally about America's role in the killing of Patrice Lumumba and Laurent Kabila)! But America does not forget the past and it is telling us that it is waging all these "wars on terror" all over the world because it was attacked on 9/11 in order to prevent it to happen to America again. "Remember Pearl Harbour" is still a common slogan in America today.
He said Freeport MacMoran is a listed company while Chinese contracts are opaque. The Chinese presented the deal in the Congolese parliament so I do not agree with what Johnnie Carson said that the Congo-China deal was done in secrecy. Even if it was, Congolese see roads, hospitals... being built. What more proof do you need? Actually the Chinese have not started mining yet but they have already built some roads.if there are problems, Congolese are mature enough to talk to the Chinese and redress them. Not all Chinese projects in Congo have been OKeyed anyway.
About Mobutu. I hope those Africans who attended the meeting can learn a lesson if they are going to be the leaders of tomorrow. Put Mobutu in power, use him to kill and loot his country and serve wstern interests for 32 years and then blame him for "destroying his country". I got that crystal clear.
When Hilary Clinton stated in Zambia that Chinese were recolonising Africa, she expressed not her own opinion, she spoke as the US Secretary of State. So, I do not agree that her statement does not underpin US policy on China in Africa. I did not have time to tell Mr Carson that congress is preparing a new law related to "watching China's activities in Africa".
He told me that I am ill-learned or ill-red? ( was it an insult? I do not know). I kept quiet because I did not want to engage in polemics with him out of respect those who invited me to attend this meeting. But I will keep on asking questions as long as I have the opportunity, not because I am seeking popularity. I am seeking the truth and I have to ask them in a cool manner, in a rational way, not get emotional.
I have been a journalist for nine years. I cannot quote Ron Brown (An African American moreover) without being sure of my source. Moreover, I am not the only one. Remigius Kintu, a Ugandan opposition leader and Human Rights Expert, gave a lecture IN AMERICA and used the same quote publicly on record. Here it is:

The U.S. desire to devour Africa was best explained by the late U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown, while visiting Uganda. He told a dinner party audience that:

"For many years African business has been dominated by Europeans while America gets only 17% of the market. We are now determined to reverse that and take the lion's share".


Kintu's comments:


Anybody who remembers colonialism knows that economic exploitation of Africa was its main objective. Political administrations were set up for the purpose of defending their foreign economic agenda. They no longer have to send in colonial rulers. Instead, they use local scoundrels, i.e. Mobutu, Said Barre, Museveni, Kagame, Buyoya, Rawlings etc.. They set up puppet regimes, train their military thugs in modern brutality so that they may effectively shield foreign looters and exploiters from grumbling and angry nationals.

It is unfortunate that there are some black Americans like the late Ron Brown who utter the same words without thinking. They should be more sensitive to the fact that slavery was a product of European exploitation of Africa. How can a grandchild of an African slave in America, who recently acquired status in his/her society envy European exploitation of Africa to the point of wishing that America do the same to Africa? This is as absurd as it is abominable. I do not believe that an America Jew would be that insensitive and careless with his remarks about Israel, no matter how glamorous a job he/she was offered. But Abraham Lincoln said, "as I would not like to be a slave, I shall not keep a slave".

It is very disturbing to see that the world's greatest democracy is concocting deadly conflicts in Africa at the same time pretend to be peace-makers.


Terror incognito: the U.S. conspiracy behind Museveni's wars :



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14 février 2013 4 14 /02 /février /2013 06:31

Intervention du patriote Lokongo à la Radio Chine Internationale sur la situation au Mali. Il a fait allusion aux terroristes et violeurs Rwandais et Ougandais.


Terrorist activities in Africa’s Sahel Region" show.
Here's the web link to today's show: http://english.cri.cn/8706/2013/01/31/2861s746139.htm
Attached is a picture taken in the studio: left-Zhao Yang, middle-Antoine, right-Brandon. 
Hope to have you on our show again next time!
After thoughts:
1. David said that America never colonised Africa.
Yes, America did not have a colony in the real meaning of the term. What about America's slave exploitation in Africa? What about exploitation of African resources durng the colonial period (Uranium from Congo to make the first atomic bom b)? What about the Cold war? A imerica never administered any colonial territory  in Africa but got everything it wanted from any colony (be it French, Belgian, British, Portuguese...) in Africa. Colonisation is not just physical!
2. America is the most powerful nation on earth. They have all the capabilities to monitor the movements, the communications of all these islamist group in the Sahel, from satellites, drones from Libya, Djibouti.... Even Rwanda has become the CIA's listening post for the whole Great Lakes region. When Kagame took Goma recently, you could not call or intercept any call from Goma for 36 hours. So they know who is who, who is doing what! Which leads me to say that the scenario is carefully prepared and orchestrated. 
3. If America is in Africa not to colonise Africa, why is Obama deploying American troops in 35 African countries?
Colonisation begins with military occupation, although it can also begin with "missionary occupation" in the case of China and Congo and many other countries!
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14 février 2013 4 14 /02 /février /2013 06:29

Célèbre citation de l'ambassadeur Liu Guijin, ancien représentant spécial chinois pour les affaires africaines:


«Chaque fois que je voyage à l'étranger, en particulier en Afrique, le continent dont je suis familier, je constate que les pays africains ont des atouts majeurs et toutes les conditions possible pour se développer beaucoup mieux que la Chine , mais qu'ils sont en retard économiquement et manquent ​​la stabilité sociale! Pourquoi? [Parce que] ils n'ont jusqu'à maintenant pas trouvé un type de route ou de chemin correct correcte ou une bonne approche pour se développer ".

CCTV Dialogue 02/02/2013 Egyptian chaos and African transformation


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14 février 2013 4 14 /02 /février /2013 06:27

Famous quote from Ambassador Liu Guijin, Former Chinese Special Representative on African Affairs:

"Every time I travel abroad, particularly to Africa, the continent I am familiar to, [I see that] African countries have strong advantages and conditions to develop much better that what China is and does but they lag behind economically and on social stability! Why? [Because] they have up to now not found a kind of correct road or correct path or correct approach to develop themselves".

CCTV Dialogue 02/02/2013 Egyptian chaos and African transformation


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13 février 2013 3 13 /02 /février /2013 22:38

Le JAMAIS de Kinshasa n'est pas JAMAIS apres tout?! Kinshasa laisse par ailleurs une brèche aux rebelles selon Julien Paluku!

Voici notre reportage antécedant:

Il ne sera "JAMAIS" question de partager le pouvoir à Kampala ni une quelconque intégration du M23 dans l’armée ou les institutions. Que le JAMAIS de Kinshasa cette fois-ci soit JAMAIS! Wait and see! 




La délégation de la Rdc qualifie d'illégitimes plusieurs les revendications du M23


Dans un document de 14 pages remis au facilitateur mardi 12 Février 2013, à Kampala, la délégation de Kinshasa vient de trancher. Plusieurs doléances du M23 sur les questions sécuritaires, politiques, sociales et économiques sont tout simplement qualifiées d’illégitimes, sans objet ou à reconsidérer. D’autres questions étant en cours de traitement ou réservées à la compétence de l'Assemblée nationale, donc, qui n’ont rien à faire avec le M23 reconnu comme une Force négative terroriste comme toutes les autres que compte la région des Grands-Lacs. Dans un passage, la délégation se justifie en écrivant que ce n'est pas parce que les chefs d'Etat de la Conférence Internationale sur la Région des Grands-Lacs (CIRGL)  ont demandé a' Kinshasa d'écouter le M23 qu'il doit s'émanciper de la qualification des Nations Unies de Force négative et par ailleurs, de groupe terroriste.


Ce document de la délégation gouvernementale lance l'attente du deuxième et du troisième rapport que les deux délégations doivent adopter après les conclusions du facilitateur. Le ministre Ougandais de la défense, facilitateur des pourparlers a du passer la quasi-totalité des deux journées de mardi et mercredi dans l'immeuble central de l'hôtel Munyonyo, dans les consultations avant la remise par la délégation gouvernementale dudit document des réponses au M23 à Crispus Kiyonga lui-même.


Seuls les congolais du M23 réunissant les conditions seront intégrés dans les Fardc


Kinshasa laisse par ailleurs une brèche aux rebelles. Dans le domaine militaire par exemple, seuls les soldats du M23 qui ont la nationalité Congolaise et dont le grade est égal ou inférieur au Lieutenant seront intégrés, s’ils sont aptes et candidats à cette intégration. Ils devront être prêts à servir sous le drapeau, partout en RDC, nuance encore le document gouvernemental.

En outre, les miliciens recrutés par le M23 doivent être d'abord démobilisés et signeront un acte d'engagement individuel à ne plus reprendre les armes, sous aucun prétexte.

Pour les officiers du M23 qui ne sont pas récidivistes, qui n'ont pas trempé dans le recrutement d'enfants et qui ne sont pas poursuivis par la justice nationale et internationale; leur sort sera délibéré au cas par cas, réagit encore la délégation de Kinshasa. En ce qui concerne la question d'amnistie, celle-ci ne concernera que ceux des acteurs M23 qui ne sont pas récidivistes.A


Le M23 n'a pas encore rétorqué à cette position officielle du gouvernement de la République Démocratique du Congo au dialogue de Kampala. Il est aussi à souligner qu’aucun délégué de la rébellion aux pourparlers de Kampala n’est concerné par les poursuites et sanctions de la justice nationale et internationale, tout comme les Etats-Unis, les Nations-Unies ou de la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI). Selon des indiscrétions de Munyonyo, la position du gouvernement congolais a été soumise au Président Yoweri Museveni avant qu'il ne soit remis au facilitateur.

M. Paluku

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13 février 2013 3 13 /02 /février /2013 13:02

"La mort et le bucheron" - La Fontaine. Les Congolais vivent au 21ème siècle comme les Français au 16ème siècle - CINQ SIECLES DE RETARD PAR RAPPORT A LA FRANCE.

Isangi: la société civile dénonce les tracasseries militaires le long du fleuve Congo!

Un pauvre Bûcheron tout couvert de ramée,

Sous le faix du fagot aussi bien que des ans

Gémissant et courbé marchait à pas pesants,

Et tâchait de gagner sa chaumine enfumée.

Enfin, n’en pouvant plus d’effort et de douleur ,

Il met bas son fagot, il songe à son malheur.

Quel plaisir a-t-il eu [le Congolais] depuis qu’il est au monde ?

En est-il un plus pauvre en la machine ronde ?

Point de pain quelquefois, et jamais de repos,

Sa femme, ses enfants, les soldats [les soldats impayés que chaque citoyen devait nourrir en France au 16ème siècle], les impôts, [les mabonza pour les pasteurs], le créancier, et la corvée, [les guerres d'agressionbs, les viols, les pillages, les massacres...]

Lui font d’un malheureux la peinture achevée...


Isangi: la société civile dénonce les tracasseries militaires le long du fleuve Congo

Radio Okapi,13 février, 2013

Des riverains autour des baleinières et des pirogues, accostés ce 06/09/2010 le long du fleuve Congo à Kinshasa, en attendant la fin du chargement. Radio Okapi/ Ph. John BompengoDes riverains autour des baleinières et des pirogues, accostés ce 06/09/2010 le long du fleuve Congo à Kinshasa, en attendant la fin du chargement. Radio Okapi/ Ph. John Bompengo

La société civile du territoire d’Isangi (Province Orientale) a accusé, mardi 12 février, les militaires d’avoir érigé plus de quinze barrières pour rançonner les commerçants sur l’axe Basoko-Kisangani, le long du fleuve Congo. Cette organisation citoyenne a dénoncé cette pratique dans un rapport qu’il a remis au Bureau des affaires civiles de la Monusco.Le président de cette société civile se plaint que chaque pirogue est obligée de payer entre 2 000 francs congolais (2,2 USD) et 3 000 francs congolais (3,3 USD) ou encore d’autres biens en nature à chaque barrière.

«On doit payer jusqu’à 20 000 ou 30 000 francs congolais. Si vous ne donnez pas l’argent, vous êtes aussi  tabassés. Nous demandons que ces postes soient réellement ceux de contrôle, pour sécuriser la population et leurs biens, et non pour rançonner celle-ci», a dénoncé Jérémie Imomola.

Le président de la société civile du territoire d’Isangi demande, par ailleurs, aux autorités militaires et administratives d’intervenir pour mettre fin à cette situation.

Sans reconnaître de tracasseries contre la population civile, ces militaires avouent toutefois demander de l’aide aux piroguiers "pour se nourrir".


Mais ne perdons pas d'espoir! La RDC peut rattraper son rétard s'il apprend beaucoup de l'expérience chinoise. Plutôt vivre que mourrir! C'est la dévise des hommes, conclut La Fontaine.

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13 février 2013 3 13 /02 /février /2013 03:59
Pope has immunity in abuse trials: Vatican


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Vatican to shield Pope

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Pope Benedict XVI holds the crucifix as he celebrates the Chrismal Mass in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican April 1, 2010. REUTERS/Alessia Pierdomenico

VATICAN CITY|Thu Apr 1, 2010 2:11pm EDT

(Reuters) - Pope Benedict, accused by victims' lawyers of being ultimately responsible for an alleged cover-up of sexual abuse of children by priests, cannot be called to testify at any trial because he has immunity as a head of state, a top Vatican legal official said on Thursday.

The interview with Giuseppe dalla Torre, head of the Vatican's tribunal, was published in Italy's Corriere della Sera newspaper as Pope Benedict led Holy Thursday services in St Peter's Basilica and Catholics marked the most solemn week of the liturgical calendar, culminating on Sunday in Easter Day.

In the morning the pope blessed oils for Church services during the year, and in the evening in the Rome basilica of St John's in Lateran he washed the feet of 12 priests to commemorate Jesus' gesture of humility the night before he died.

But on the day Catholics commemorate Christ's founding of the priesthood, the pope did not refer in any of his sermons to the crisis of confidence sweeping the Church as almost daily revelations surface of sexual abuse of children in the past, accompanied by allegations of a cover-up.

Dalla Torre outlined the Vatican's strategy to defend the pope from being forced to testify in several lawsuits concerning sexual abuse which are currently moving through the U.S. legal system.

"The pope is certainly a head of state, who has the same juridical status as all heads of state," he said, arguing he therefore had immunity from foreign courts.

Lawyers representing victims of sexual abuse by priests in several cases in the United States have said they would want the pope to testify in an attempt to try to prove the Vatican was negligent.

But the pope is protected by diplomatic immunity because more than 170 countries, including the United States, have diplomatic relations with the Vatican. They recognize it as a sovereign state and the pope as its sovereign head.

Dalla Torre rejected suggestions that U.S. bishops, some of whom have been accused of moving molesters from parish to parish instead of turning them in to police, could be considered Vatican employees, making their "boss" ultimately responsible.


"The Church is not a multi-national corporation," dalla Torre said. "He has (spiritual) primacy over the Church ... but every bishop is legally responsible for running a diocese."

Dalla Torre also rejected suggestions by some U.S. lawyers and critics of the Church that Vatican documents in 1962 and 2001 encouraged local bishops not to report sexual abuse cases.

He re-stated the Vatican's position that the documents, one of which called for procedures to remain secret, did not suggest to bishops that they should not report cases to authorities.

"Secrecy served above all to protect the victim and also the accused, who could turn out to be innocent, and it regarded only the canonical (church) trial and did not substitute the penal process," he said.

"There is nothing that prohibited anyone (in the Church) from giving information to civil authorities."

The Vatican has taken off the gloves in its response to media reports alleging the pope mishandled a series of abuse cases before he was elected.

It launched a frontal attack on the New York Times on Wednesday night by posting a long statement on its website (http:/www.vatican.va/resources/resources_card-levada2010_en.html)by Cardinal William J. Levada, who succeeded the pope (http:/www.vatican.va/resources/resources_card-levada2010_en.html)by Cardinal William J. Levada, who succeeded the pope as head of the Vatican's doctrinal department.

Levada asked the newspaper "to reconsider its attack mode about Pope Benedict XVI and give the world a more balanced view of a leader it can and should count on."

The Vatican has denied any cover-up over the abuse of 200 deaf boys in the United States by Reverend Lawrence Murphy from 1950 to 1974. The New York Times reported the Vatican and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict, were warned about Murphy but he was not defrocked.

The Times said its reports were "based on meticulous reporting and documents."

(Editing by Mark Trevelyan)

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  • : Congo Panorama. Le blog du soldat du peuple: Par Antoine Roger Lokongo, le Soldat du Peuple engagé dans la bataille des idées pour un Congo meilleur. Un Congo qui s'assume et devient un parténaire clé de la Chine, hier un pays sous-développé, qui, en un lapse de temps, a changé son destin en comptant sur ses propres efforts et devenu une puissance.
  • : A partir des idées de mes héros, Patrice Emery Lumumba et Laurent Désiré Kabila, je suis l'actualité politique de mon pays, la République Démocratique du Congo en partuclier et de l'Afrique en général et je donne mes commentaires. Antoine Roger Lokongo
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Hymne des Opprimés

  Ces CPP-ci sont la lumière des ouvriers
et des paysans,
ainsi que de tout opprimé.

Il n’y a point de doute d’abattre l’exploitation et de créer une juste société.

Notre serment est de ne jamais échouer,
enjoignons toutes nos forces en un faisceau,
tenons bien nos armes dans nos mains,
car ces CPP sont la force du peuple.

Dans sa noble cause,
jamais de spoliation.

Notre lutte revendique nos droits,
quoiqu’il en coûte,
jamais de servitude.

Pour les opprimés,
la Révolution est un rempart,
son ultime but est que le peuple gouverne.

Laurent Désiré Kabila,
lâchement assassiné le 16 janvier 2001.


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