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19 août 2012 7 19 /08 /août /2012 14:25


Official: Almost 8,000 Diplomats to Attend NAM Summit in Tehran




TEHRAN (FNA)- The upcoming summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) will be the most superb international meeting in Iran in recent years, a senior Iranian foreign ministry official said, and added that almost 8,000 foreign diplomats will visit Iran during the summit later this month.

Speaking to FNA, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular, Parliamentary and Expatriates' Affairs Hassan Qashqavi said that so far 30 heads of state have announced their readiness to attend the NAM summit in Tehran.

"It seems that the summit will be the most superb meeting of the recent years in our country. The foreign states' massive preparations for attending the event prove that I am right," Qashqavi added.

The official further stressed that the summit in Tehran will show that Iran is not isolated as claimed by some western countries.

The 16th NAM summit will be held in Tehran from August 26 to 31.

Iran will assume the rotating presidency of the movement from Egypt for three years during the upcoming summit.

NAM is comprised of some 120 member states and 17 observer countries.

NAM is an international organization of states considering themselves not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. NAM is the largest grouping of countries outside of the United Nations.

NAM member states represent nearly two-thirds of the United Nations' members and comprise 55% of the world population, particularly countries considered to be developing

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et des paysans,
ainsi que de tout opprimé.

Il n’y a point de doute d’abattre l’exploitation et de créer une juste société.

Notre serment est de ne jamais échouer,
enjoignons toutes nos forces en un faisceau,
tenons bien nos armes dans nos mains,
car ces CPP sont la force du peuple.

Dans sa noble cause,
jamais de spoliation.

Notre lutte revendique nos droits,
quoiqu’il en coûte,
jamais de servitude.

Pour les opprimés,
la Révolution est un rempart,
son ultime but est que le peuple gouverne.

Laurent Désiré Kabila,
lâchement assassiné le 16 janvier 2001.


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