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15 avril 2013 1 15 /04 /avril /2013 13:45

Katanga: le trésor public a perdu 88 millions USD des redevances minières en 2010, selon l’ITIE


Radio Okapi





88 millions USD réprésentent des miettes par rapport aux immenses richesses du Congo mais des miettes qui sont detournées! Et les multinationales en font combien?! Des milliards de dollars!



L’Initiative pour la transparence des industries extractive (ITIE) en RDC indique que 88 millions de dollars américains payés par les entreprises minières du Katanga en 2010 au titre de redevances n’ont pas été versés au trésor public. Réuni en session ordinaire le vendredi 12 avril dernier à Kinshasa sous la présidence du ministre du Plan, le comité exécutif de l’ITIE a affirmé que la Direction générale des recettes administratives et domaniales (DGRAD) n’est pas en mesure de démontrer que cette somme a réellement été versée dans les caisses de l’Etat.

« C’est depuis plus de 6 mois que l’ITIE travaille avec la DGRAD pour retrouver la traçabilité de cet argent. Jusqu’à ce jour, la DGRAD n’est toujours pas en mesure de fournir des preuves de versement au trésor public », déclare le coordonnateur national de l’ITIE, professeur Jérémy Mack Dumba pour qui les informations livrées à ce sujet par la DGRAD sont soit erronées, soit incomplètes.

Selon lui, cette situation est liée soit « à l’organisation administrative » de la régie soit « à une mauvaise gestion ».

Contactés, les dirigeants de la DGRAD refusent de s’exprimer à ce sujet. « C’est une affaire très sensible », admet cependant un responsable de la régie qui a requis l’anonymat.

Le comité exécutif de l’ITIE promet de saisir la justice pour retrouver la trace de ces 88 millions de dollars américains.

« Le ministre de la Justice et le procureur général de la République vont se saisir de la situation. Nous, on attend tout simplement que la société civile soit au courant de ce qu’on a fait de l’argent perçu dans le secteur des ressources naturelles », explique Jérémy Mack Dumba.

Par ailleurs, dans une lettre envoyée au ministre du Plan, le Premier ministre Matata Mponyo a demandé à l’ITIE, en plus de ses missions habituelles, de préciser ce à quoi l’argent perçu auprès des entreprises extractives est utilisé.

«Une mission qui va renforcer la transparence dans la gestion des finances publiques en RDC», commente le coordonateur national de ce mécanisme international auquel la RDC a adhéré en 2005.

L’ ITIE est un processus à travers lequel les parties prenantes mettent à disposition des populations, à travers la rédaction des rapports périodiques réalisés par des consultants indépendants, les revenus et les recettes de l’État issus de l’exploitation des ressources minières et pétrolières tels que les redevances, les impôts, les bonus de signature, les bonus de production, les royalties, les dividendes et les taxes diverses. Elle a été lancée en 2002 par le Premier Ministre Britannique Tony Blair. L’ITIE cherche à renforcer la gouvernance en accroissant la transparence et la responsabilité dans le secteur de l’extraction.

Bien qu’étant une initiative internationale, la mise en œuvre de l’ITIE relève de la responsabilité des gouvernements nationaux avec la participation active de la société civile et des industries extractives. En RDC, son comité exécutif est présidé par le ministre du Plan secondé par le ministre des Mines.

En juillet 2012, l’ITIE a fait état de plusieurs centaines de millions de dollars américains perçus chaque année par les régies financières auprès des entreprises extractives qui ne sont pas déclarés au trésor public.

Elle a indiqué avoir constaté de grands écarts entre les sommes que les entreprises minières ont déclaré avoir payé à l’Etat et celles que les régies financières ont déclaré effectivement avoir encaissé.

Des creuseurs clandestins dans une mine de cuivre de la Chemaf à Lubumbashi (Décembre 2012)Des creuseurs clandestins dans une mine de cuivre de la Chemaf à Lubumbashi (Décembre 2012)

DRC Probes $88M in Missing Mining Revenue

Nick Long, VOA April 15, 2013

Anti-corruption investigators in the Democratic Republic of Congo say they can't trace more than $88 million that mining companies paid to a government revenue agency.

The investigation has been carried out by the Congolese branch of a global anti-corruption watchdog, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

EITI's Congolese experts say they've been trying for six months to trace $88 million that mining companies paid to a Congolese tax agency called the DGRAD. They say the DGRAD has still not provided any proof that the money was paid to the national treasury.

The DRC planning minister has promised a judicial enquiry.

The $88 million gap in the public accounts, coupled with smaller amounts that have also gone missing, could mean that the DRC's bid for full membership of the EITI is suspended. That could make it more difficult for the DRC to obtain loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which last year suspended a $225-million program with Congo, citing lack of transparency in the mining sector.

The EITI secretariat, which is based in Europe, says that since last year the DRC's new government, led by Prime Minister Matata Ponyo, has been working closely with the EITI and is trying hard to account for revenues and to expose mining contracts to public scrutiny.

"We indeed understand that the prime minister's government is very supportive of the EITI," said Tim Bittinger, a spokesperson for the EITI. "The government has put a substantial budget at the disposal of the EITI process, and there have been several government-led meetings on how to reform the mining and oil sectors and the EITI has figured prominently in reform discussions."

Bittinger noted that Prime Minister Ponyo has asked EITI to extend the scope of its investigations and to look at how revenues from the mining sector are spent, as well as how they are collected.

He said this demonstrates a political will to reform the sector, which was already evident even before the IMF suspended its Congo program.

The EITI board will have to make a decision this week on whether or not to declare the DRC an EITI compliant country, a test the country has already failed twice. But Bittinger suggested that whatever decision is made, the DRC's reform drive in the mining sector is likely to continue.

"Whatever happens at that level we see substantial momentum and drive in DRC," he said. "We are not sure a decision either way will stop that drive which is quite impressive, and we very much welcome the improvements we have seen over the past years."

That view is echoed by Elizabeth Caessens, an independent expert on mining and governance in the DRC. Caessens, who works for the U.S.-based Carter Center, wrote recently that the DRC government has made substantial efforts to disclose information on its mining sector.

She said there are doubts about one particular mining deal in which a state-owned concession may have been sold for $60-million less than its real value, but that many other deals have been exposed to scrutiny with the publication recently of more than 100 contracts.

Those contracts include some large deals with Chinese mining companies that were previously kept out of the public eye. 
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15 avril 2013 1 15 /04 /avril /2013 13:40
La guerre du M23 favorise le traffic des minerais comme d'habitude à l'est du Congo: Inside Congo's Link in the Gold Chain - Wall Street Journal.

Gold miners carry sacks of sediment from an abandoned industrial shaft at Makala Mine in the Ituri district of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In the lakeside Central African city of Goma, four-wheel drive vehicles bump along a dusty road to get in and out of a compound surrounded by 12-foot walls and watched by an armed security guard. At a corner office inside, former tin trader Thiery Buzima busily fills orders for his new product: gold.

Mr. Buzima's thriving business represents an early link in a shadowy chain of smuggled gold that stretches from the conflict zones of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the markets of Dubai and jewelry shops around the world.

Mr. Buzima buys gold from other traders and village miners who chip away at rocks along rivers and mountain slopes controlled by rebels in eastern Congo. His customers are primarily smugglers who hide the gold in vehicles that cross into neighboring countries, where it is recertified before heading to the Middle East and Asia in luggage accompanied by falsified documents, according to participants in this process.

The rise in smuggling has helped sustain Congo's violent insurgencies. But it also now threatens to taint the precious metal, much like so-called "blood diamonds" from Africa did at the turn of the 21st century.

Photos: Black Market Gold
Jonny Hogg/Reuters

An artisanal gold miner posed with tools of his trade near Mongbwalu, Congo.

Map: Yellow Brick Road

See gold's path from the Congo.


Along with many small-scale Congolese miners, men like Mr. Buzima turned to the new trade last year due to a combination of the high price of bullion and U.S. legislation that squeezed the legitimate market for Congolese metals. Besides, gold smuggling is more lucrative, providing margins as high as 30% on sales. "I keep getting new orders every week," says Mr. Buzima, flipping through paperwork on his office table. "It's a changing environment and we have to follow suit."

The World Gold Council also is adapting, and last year the mining trade group published guidelines for miners to keep conflict gold out of the supply chain. Other industry groups and international organizations have issued similar guidelines for refiners, jewelers and others. The efforts follow in the footsteps of the so-called Kimberley Process governing the diamond trade, which some have credited with helping to stem the flow of precious stones from conflict zones.

Gold smuggled out of Congo poses a challenge to the industry, and any links to armed conflict "undermine" the precious metal's image with consumers, says Terry Heymann, director of the responsible-gold project of the World Gold Council.

Gold's 12-year rally has lost steam—it officially entered a bear market Friday, closing at $1,501 per troy ounce—but that hasn't slowed the Congolese trade. The country is believed to hold tens of millions of gold ounces but has been plagued by decades of turmoil. Individual prospectors have exploited the gap, and total production has nearly quadrupled over the past half decade, hitting an estimated 26 metric tons in 2012, according to Thomson Reuters GFMS, which tracks the gold market. Much of that gold gets smuggled out of the country.

Justin Basimuka, a trader, walks as many as 25 miles to makeshift mines, paying rebels $60 a day to escort him along the jungle footpaths. At the mines he buys gold dust to carry back to Goma's middlemen. How much he makes depends on how often he gets shaken down by other rebels on his return. "Sometimes I can earn a double profit if the checkpoints are not many," Mr. Basimuka says.

The opportunities for illicit gains only increased after the U.S. in 2010 passed a Wall Street overhaul, known as Dodd-Frank, that requires U.S.-listed companies to disclose whether their products have been manufactured with any metals—including tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold—that may have been used to finance violence in the Democratic of Congo and its surrounding region.

Much of Congo's gold ends up in shantytowns near the Ugandan border. There, smugglers acquire falsified certificates indicating that the metal originates from either Uganda or South Sudan, according to human-rights researchers. Such certification can be obtained because the governments lack accurate estimates of small gold mines in those countries, according to Stephen Turyahikayo, a consultant who advises on mine certification in the region.

Peter Lokeris, Uganda's junior energy and minerals minister, said smuggling was the exception rather than the rule. He said Ugandan officials are under "strict instruction" to ensure only exports cleared by the Congolese government are allowed, "but you can't rule out some breaches."

Congo's weak central government has struggled to contain the violence among several militia and rebel groups, including one known as M23, who have partitioned gold-rich territories in the eastern part of the vast Central African nation.

Human-rights researchers say Congolese soldiers are also involved in smuggling, allegedly from areas near the Burundi border.

Augustin Ponyo Matata, Congo's prime minister, denied the involvement of Congolese troops in the illicit mineral trade and instead blamed M23. Amani Kabasha, a M23 spokesman, denied his group's involvement, saying much of the gold mining took place in areas it didn't control. "It's the responsibility of the state to ensure that there is no smuggling," he said.

The Enough Project, an advocacy group that has studied the gold trade, estimates that between 11 and 14 tons of gold were illegally smuggled from the Congo last year, up from four tons in 2010.

But the multinational smuggling racket is proving difficult to dismantle. Often the gold's faint paper trail disappears as soon as it arrives in Dubai, the business hub in the United Arab Emirates.

With fraudulent documents disguising its origin, up to 110 pounds of conflict gold can pass through customs as long as a licensed local dealer is listed on the accompanying paperwork, according to Ruben de Koning, a member of the U.N. group of experts on Congo.

"That's how the gold's trace is lost," he said. "It can go anywhere after the airport."

For most of the gold that makes its way through Dubai's arrivals hall, the destination is the same: the small refining shops attached to the local gold market, or "souk." The shops mix gold from different origins into scrap bars, which can be sold for cash to the souk's jewelers and traders. India, the world's largest consumer of gold, is a popular destination when it leaves Dubai.

Some of this gold is smuggled into India. Officials with India's Directorate of Revenue Intelligence say much of the smuggling into the country represents efforts to skirt higher import duties imposed last year. Gold smuggled into India isn't necessarily conflict-tainted.

Bachhraj Bamalwa, president of All India Gem and Jewelry Trade Federation, worries that the U.S. and European Union nations may ban imports of India's gem and jewelry if they suspect the country's retailers are trafficking in conflict gold.

In recent months, Customs officials have discovered smuggled gold inside television sets and false bottoms of baggage. In January, they caught a passenger arriving in Mumbai with gold bars worth 2.5 million rupees ($46,000) wrapped in chocolate packaging.

—Biman Mukherji in New Delhi, and Asa Fitch and Alex MacDonald in Dubai contributed to this article.

Write to Nicholas Bariyo at nicholas.bariyo@dowjones.com, Francesca Freeman atfrancesca.freeman@dowjones.com and Liam Pleven at liam.pleven@wsj.com

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14 avril 2013 7 14 /04 /avril /2013 13:23

L’invasion silencieuse de l’Afrique et les mensonges de Hollywood.


Une invasion à grande échelle est en train de se dérouler en Afrique. Les Etats-Unis sont en train de déployer des troupes dans 35 pays africains, en commençant par la Libye, le Soudan, l’Algérie et le Niger. Signalée par l’agence de presse Associated Press le jour de Noël, cette information était absente de la plupart des médias anglo-américains.
L’invasion n’a pratiquement rien à voir avec « l’Islamisme », et presque tout à voir avec la mainmise sur les ressources, notamment les minerais, et une rivalité croissante avec la Chine. Contrairement à la Chine, les Etats-Unis et leurs alliés sont prêts à employer la violence, comme démontré en Irak, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yémen et Palestine. Comme lors de la Guerre Froide, une certaine division du travail stipule que c’est au journalisme occidental et à la culture populaire de fournir une justification à la guerre sainte contre « l’arc de menace » islamiste, semblable en tous points à la soi-disant « menace rouge » d’une conspiration communiste mondiale.
A l’instar de la Ruée vers l’Afrique à fin du 19eme siècle, l’African Command (Africom) des Etats-Unis a créé un réseau de partenaires parmi les régimes africains compréhensifs et avides de pots-de-vin et d’armes américains. L’année dernière, Africom a organisé l’opération African Endeavor, commandée par l’armée US, avec la participation des forces armées de 34 pays africains. La doctrine « de soldat à soldat » d’Africom consiste à placer des officiers US à tous les échelons de commandement, du général au sous-officier. Il ne manque plus que les casques coloniaux.
C’est comme si le fier passé historique de libération de l’Afrique, de Patrice Lumumba à Nelson Mandela, était condamné à l’oubli par une nouvelle élite coloniale noire dont la « mission historique », avait averti Franz Fanon il y a un demi-siècle, était de servir de courroie de transmission à « un capitalisme acculé au camouflage ».
Un exemple frappant est celui du Congo occidental, une région stratégique en minerais, contrôlé par un groupe atroce connu sous le nom de M23 et qui est lui-même contrôlé par l’Ouganda et le Rwanda, tous deux à la solde de Washington.
Planifié depuis longtemps comme une « mission » pour l’OTAN, sans parler des zélés Français dont les causes perdues coloniales sont restées à travers de la gorge, la guerre en Afrique est devenue urgente en 2011 lorsque le monde arabe semblait se libérer des Moubaraks et autres serviteurs de Washington et de l’Europe. L’hystérie provoquée dans les capitales impériales ne doit pas être sous-estimée. Des bombardiers de l’OTAN furent expédiés non pas à Tunis ou au Caire mais en Libye, où Kadhafi régnait sur les plus grandes réserves de pétrole en Afrique. Une fois la ville de Sirte réduite en poussière, les commandos d’élite britanniques ont dirigé les milices « rebelles » dans une opération qui depuis a été révélée et qualifiée de « bain de sang raciste ».
Le peuple indigène du Sahara, les Touaregs, dont les combattants berbères étaient protégés par Kadhafi, se sont enfuis à travers l’Algérie vers le Mali, où les Touaregs réclament depuis les années 60 un état indépendant. Comme l’a fait remarquer Patrick Cockburn, toujours attentif, c’est ce contentieux local, et pas al-Qaeda, que l’Occident craint le plus dans cette région de l’Afrique… « bien que pauvres, les Touaregs sont souvent assis sur d’immenses réserves de pétrole, de gaz, d’uranium et d’autres minerais précieux ».
Comme conséquence de l’attaque France/US contre le Mali le 13 janvier, une attaque contre un site gazier en Algérie s’est terminée dans un bain de sang, provoquant chez (le premier ministre britannique) David Cameron des réactions aux relents de 11 Septembre. L’ancien chargé des relations publiques de la chaîne de télévision Carlton s’est emporté sur une « menace globale » qui requiert « des décennies » de violences occidentales – c’est-à-dire la mise en place du modèle économique prévu par l’Occident pour l’Afrique, ainsi que le viol d’une Syrie multi-ethnique et la conquête d’un Iran indépendant.
Cameron a envoyé des troupes britanniques au Mali, et un drone, tandis que son chef des armées, l’expansif Général Sir David Richards, adressait « un message très clair aux djihadistes du monde entier : ne venez pas nous chercher des noises. Nous riposterons avec vigueur. » – exactement ce que les djihadistes avaient envie d’entendre. La trainée sanglante laissée par les victimes (toutes musulmanes) du terrorisme de l’armée britannique, et les affaires de torture « institutionnalisée » qui sont portées devant les tribunaux, apportent la touche d’ironie qui manquait aux propos du général. J’ai eu un jour à subir la « vigueur » de Sir David lorsque je lui ai demandé s’il avait lu la description faite par la courageuse féministe afghane Malalaï Joya du comportement barbare dans son pays des occidentaux et leurs alliés. « Vous êtes un défenseur des Taliban » fut sa réponse. (Il s’en excusa plus tard)
Ces sordides personnages sortent tout droit d’un roman d’Evelyn Waugh et nous font ressentir tout le souffle de l’histoire et l’hypocrisie. Le « terrorisme islamique » qui est leur excuse pour perpétuer le vol des richesses africaines est une de leurs propres inventions. Il n’y a plus aucune excuse pour avaler les histoires débitées par BBC/CNN et ne pas connaître la vérité. Lisez le livre de Mark Curtis, Secret Affairs : Britain’s Collusion with Radical Islam (Serpent’s Tail) [affaires secrètes : la collusion de la Grande-Bretagne avec l’islam radical – NdT] ou celui de John Cooley Unholy Wars : Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism (Pluto Press) [guerres impies : afghanistan, amérique et le terrorisme international – NdT] ou The Grand Chessboard [en français « le grand échiquier », chez hachette – NdT] par Zbigniew Brzezinski (HarperCollins) qui joua le rôle de sage-femme dans la naissance du terrorisme fondamentaliste moderne. En effet, les moudjahidin d’Al-Qaeda et des Talibans ont été créés par la CIA, son équivalent Pakistanais l’ISI, et le MI6 britannique.
Brzezinski, qui fut le Conseiller à la Sécurité Nationale du Président Jimmy Carter, décrit une directive présidentielle secrète de 1979 qui devint le point de départ de ce qui est aujourd’hui présenté comme une « guerre contre le terrorisme ». Pendant 17 ans, les Etats-Unis ont délibérément formé, financé, armé et lavé le cerveau de djihadistes qui « entrainèrent toute une génération dans la violence ». Le nom de code de l’opération étaitOperation Cyclone, et faisait partie du « grand jeu » destiné à faire tomber l’Union Soviétique mais qui a fait tomber les tours jumelles.
Depuis, l’information que des gens intelligents et éduqués ingurgitent et régurgitent est devenue une sorte de journalisme de parc d’attraction, épaulée comme jamais par Hollywood et son permis de mentir, et de mentir encore. Il y a le film en préparation sur Wikileaks de Dreamworks, un tissu de mensonges inspiré par le livre perfide de deux journalistes du Guardian devenus riches ; et il y a le film Zero Dark Thirty, qui promeut la torture et l’assassinat, dirigé par l’Oscarisée Kathryn Bigelow, la Leni Riefenstahl des temps modernes, qui diffuse la voix de son maître comme le faisait jadis le metteur en scène chéri du Führer. Tel est le miroir sans tain qui donne à peine un aperçu de tout ce que le pouvoir commet en notre nom.
John Pilger
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14 avril 2013 7 14 /04 /avril /2013 10:50

Le népotisme règne a L'ONU! Nepotism At The UN


For Mali Envoy, Ban Slates De Mistura, Who Hired His Son in Law in Iraq


By Matthew Russell Lee, Inner City News 1/4/13


UNITED NATIONS, April 3 -- After Inner City Press asked US Ambassador Susan Rice about the UN's plans for Mali midday on Wednesday, and she replied that robust counter-terrorism should be separate from a UN mission with a strong Special Representative of the Secretary General, multiple sources exclusively told Inner City Press the person slated for that post.

It is Staffan de Mistura, currently in the Italian government as deputy foreign minister but “not for long,” as one source put it.

Previously De Mistura was the Special Representative of the Secretary General in Iraq, where as Inner City Press noted he hired Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's son in law Siddarth Chatterjee.

Later when De Mistura was given the top Afghanistan envoy job by the UN, he told Inner City Press he would push with the Karzai government for answers on their killing of UN staff member Louis Maxwell. There have still been no answers, including to possible Ban successor Jan Kubis.

But “like a bad penny” as one put it, now De Mistura is slated to return.

“What is this Italian connection?” one African delegate asking Inner City Press, pointing out that Ban's Sahel envoy is Romano Prodi, and that Ban recent gave the Deputy slot at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to an Italian, Flavia Pansieri.

Another asked, “Why are there so few Africans heading up the UN missions in Africa?”

The three Western African missions are all led by Europeans. Bert Koenders of the Netherlands, head of the Cote d'Ivoire mission, was at the UN Wednesday, greeted Inner City Press on his way it's said to the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions.

There is also the American Roger Meece heading the mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. An African Deputy Permanent Representative opposed to this new nomination asked, “And now De Mistura? No.”

An ambassador who Inner City Press asked to comment on De Mistura after learning of the plan laughed and said, “They're going to raid your office again.”

Others from the Arabic and Muslim side recalled that to the recent Arab League Summit, “not only didn't Ban Ki-moon go, he sent to representative Jeff Feltman, before the US face in the region. What is going on here?”

But to some the most dissonant note was De Mistura's job, prospectively this one, after hiring Ban Ki-moon's son in law Siddarth Chatterjee.

After Inner City Press' cusp of the year exclusive on Philippe Douste Blazy's hiring of Ban's daughter Hyun Hee Ban, there were some calls to make this type of hiring illegal.

But as Staffan De Mistura might say, if it's legal and it works, why not do it? Watch this site.

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14 avril 2013 7 14 /04 /avril /2013 07:19
En RDC il n'y a pas de vrais opposants comme tels. Il n'y a que des jaloux qui veulent eux aussi avoir accès à la mangéoire comme ceux qui sont là actuellement et non vraiment pour travailler pou un Congo digne, fort et respecté! 
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14 avril 2013 7 14 /04 /avril /2013 06:00

Le patriote Lokongo, un Congolais qui se bat pour son pays sans attendre quoi que ce soit de la part du pouvoir, parce que pour moi, c'est le peuple d'abord, c'est le Congo d'abord, c'est l'intérêt national supreme d'abord.


Comme Lumumba l'a dit et je le répète: "Le Congo m'a donné la vie et je dois donner tout ce que je suis, tout ce que j'ai au Congo"


Hier toute cette  cohorte de Mobutistes et Tshisekedistes s'est acharnée contre Mzee Laurent Désiré Kabila jusqu'à prêter une main Congolaise aux impérialistes Américains pour l'assassiner.


Mzee parti, est ce que les impérialistes Américains et Britanniques ont-ils laché prise sur le Congo?



Et donc, ce n'est pas Kabila ni son régime qu'ils cherchent à  dévorer. C'est le Congo à  long terme qu'ils cherchernt à avaler.


Même si vous êtes ministre, PDG... et vous détournez, même si vous êtes chef d'un parti politiques et vous profitez de votre position pour faire des magouilles, à long terme, ça va servir à  quoi? Mobutu demeure example eloquent.


Le Congo c'est la source où nous allons tous revenir. Sans le Congo, nous sommes rien! On a la dignité que chez soi, alors autant ne pas traiter son propre pays comme un Nganda!

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14 avril 2013 7 14 /04 /avril /2013 04:28
Who said "Dollar diplomacy"? France plans currency swap line with China: paper

France plans currency swap line with China: paper

BEIJING (Reuters) - France intends to set up a currency swap line with China to make Paris a major offshore yuan trading hub in Europe, competing against London, the China Daily on Saturday citedBank of France Governor Christian Noyer as saying.

Yuan deposits in Paris amount to 10 billion yuan ($1.6 billion), making it the second largest pool for the Chinese currency in Europe after London. Almost 10 percent of Sino-French trade is settled in yuan, also called the renminbi or RMB, according to French data cited by the official newspaper.

"The Bank of France has been working on ways to develop a RMB liquidity safety net in the euro area with due consideration of a supporting currency swap agreement with the People's Bank of China," Noyer told the English-language newspaper.

The yuan's internationalization and bilateral financial cooperation could be among the main topics during French President Francois Hollande's visit to China in late April, the paper said.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius paid a two-day visit to Beijing this week.

The planned swap line would be the latest in a string of bilateral currency agreements that China has signed in the past three years to promote use of the yuan in trade and investment.

It followed a similar step by the Bank of England to set up a reciprocal three-year yuan-sterling swap line with China.

Britain, always anxious to maintain London's status as Europe's biggest financial center, launched an offshore yuan currency and bond market to great fanfare last year.

Noyer said Paris has been committed to strengthening its position in corporate bonds and short-term negotiable debt securities markets as well as the associated trading infrastructure, to promote wider use of the yuan.

In 2011 and 2012, the total value of offshore yuan-denominated bonds issued by French corporates was nearly 7 billion yuan, twice the value of bonds issued by their British counterparts, according to a report by Paris Europlace, an association that supports the French financial industry and promotes Paris as an international financial center.

A survey by the association, the China Daily reported, also showed that 50 percent of French companies have used yuan-denominated products and services.

European and U.S. officials have for years been pressing China to do more to open up the yuan to international markets, saying its artificial weakness was one of the key imbalances of the global economy.

However, the Obama administration again stopped short of labeling the world's No 2 economy as a currency manipulator in its latest semi-annual report.

Beijing is gradually allowing a degree of flexibility in the yuan's value, though it still keeps a tight rein on gains in the currency for fear it will weaken its export-powerhouse economy, which has been the biggest engine of global growth for a decade.

(Reporting by Langi Chiang and Ben Blanchard; Editing by Daniel Magnowski)



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13 avril 2013 6 13 /04 /avril /2013 03:48

North Kivu: Drilling Commences on Alphamin's Bisie Project, DRC




VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Apr 12, 2013) -  Alphamin Resources Corp(TSX VENTURE:AFM) ("Alphamin" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the next phase ofdiamond drilling has commenced on the Gecomines target area of the Bisie Prospect, North Kivu Province, east central Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Initially one drill rig will test mineralisation over a strike length of 275m down to a vertical depth of 200m. A second rig is expected on site during the second Quarter. An infill drilling programme of 23 drill holes for 3000m has been designed to follow up on excellent tin results reported from the Gecomines target area which was the focus of artisanal mining in the past. It is reported that artisanals mined a high grade chute of 15-20m x 8m with reported grades of >50% SnO2 (cassiterite). To date the chute was not intersected from drilling although significant grades of 3m @ 6.14% Sn, 11m @ 4.75% Sn and 2.9m @ 6.27% Sn were reported.

The programme will enable the Company to release its first maiden resource estimate at Gecomines.


The Bisie project is located in the Walikale district of North Kivu Province, DRC and is held by Alphamin's 100% owned Mining and Processing Congo sprl (MPC). MPC holds a total of five tenements covering an area of 1,470sqkm with significant tin, gold and base metal potential. The key prospects within the Bisie Project are the Bisie Tin Prospect mined previously by artisanal means and the Omate gold workings exploited historically by the Belgians and currently mined extensively by artisanals.

The Bisie Prospect was the DRC's largest producer of tin ore for a number of years and accounted for up to 75% of the DRC's tin output.

Alphamin lifted force majeure on PR5266 which hosts the Bisie Prospect in February 2012 and commenced diamond drilling during the second half of 2012 at two target areas, Gecomines and Golgotha, mined extensively by artisanal miners. Significant high grade tin mineralisation was reported from drilling at both target areas. The tin mineralisation is also closely associated with copper and light rare earth (cerium and lanthanum) mineralisation as well massive and disseminated lead and zinc sulphides and significant amounts of silver.

Although tin does not respond to geochemical soil sampling due to its immobility, results from recent soil sampling programmes have highlighted lead and zinc in soils for a further 2km to the south of the Golgotha workings suggesting tin mineralisation can be expected for at least 2km to the south of Golgotha. The lead and zinc in soil anomaly has been defined over a minimum of 4km along the Bisie ridge and remains open to the south where the soil sampling has not been completed.

High grade mineralisation at Bisie appears to be controlled by a series of crosscutting northeast or east-west trending faults identified along the ridge from landsat imagery. The Company is therefore highly confident of discovering new high grade zones of tin and base metal mineralisation from systematic exploration along the ridge.

Mineralisation at Bisie is from surface on a ridge which lies at least 200m above the surrounding countryside and therefore highly amenable to open cut mining. This mineralisation is open at depths below 150m.

Lars Pearl, a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, has verified technical data disclosed in this release.


Cosme Maria Beccar Varela, President and CEO


Information in this news release that is not a statement of historical fact constitutes forward-looking information. Such forward-looking information includes statements regarding the Company's planned exploration programs. Actual results, performance or achievements of the Company may vary from the results suggested by such forward-looking statements due to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. Such factors include, among others, that the business of exploration for tin and other precious and base minerals involves a high degree of risk and is highly speculative in nature; few properties that are explored are ultimately developed into producing mines; geological factors; the actual results of current and future exploration; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be evaluated, as well as those factors disclosed in the Company's publicly filed documents. 
There can be no assurance that any mineralisation that is discovered will be proven to be economic, or that future required regulatory licensing or approvals will be obtained. However, the Company believes that the assumptions and expectations reflected in the forward-looking information are reasonable. Assumptions have been made regarding, among other things, the Company's ability to carry on its exploration activities, the sufficiency of funding, the timely receipt of required approvals, the price of tin and other precious and base metals, that the Company will not be affected by adverse political events, the ability of the Company to operate in a safe, efficient and effective manner and the ability of the Company to obtain further financing as and when required and on reasonable terms. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information.

Alphamin does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except as required by applicable laws.

To see Figure 1 regarding the location of drill holes with main tin intervals and inferred mineralisation please select the following link:


To see Figure 2 regarding zinc in soil anomaly along the Bisie ridge showing artisanal workings (blue) and drill hole collar positions (red dots) please select the following link:


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12 avril 2013 5 12 /04 /avril /2013 04:55

Cette fois-ci, cette opportunite de completement neutraliser le "M23" ne doit pas échapper à la RDC! La situation se compliquerait encore davantage! Lokongo

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11 avril 2013 4 11 /04 /avril /2013 08:37

Les dirigeanst d'un pays sont les gérants de l'argent du peuple. Mais cet argent ne leur appartient pas comme une propriété privée! C'est ce que Mobutu ne voulait pas  comprendre!



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  • : Congo Panorama. Le blog du soldat du peuple: Par Antoine Roger Lokongo, le Soldat du Peuple engagé dans la bataille des idées pour un Congo meilleur. Un Congo qui s'assume et devient un parténaire clé de la Chine, hier un pays sous-développé, qui, en un lapse de temps, a changé son destin en comptant sur ses propres efforts et devenu une puissance.
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Hymne des Opprimés

  Ces CPP-ci sont la lumière des ouvriers
et des paysans,
ainsi que de tout opprimé.

Il n’y a point de doute d’abattre l’exploitation et de créer une juste société.

Notre serment est de ne jamais échouer,
enjoignons toutes nos forces en un faisceau,
tenons bien nos armes dans nos mains,
car ces CPP sont la force du peuple.

Dans sa noble cause,
jamais de spoliation.

Notre lutte revendique nos droits,
quoiqu’il en coûte,
jamais de servitude.

Pour les opprimés,
la Révolution est un rempart,
son ultime but est que le peuple gouverne.

Laurent Désiré Kabila,
lâchement assassiné le 16 janvier 2001.



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