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26 mars 2013 2 26 /03 /mars /2013 07:18
Blanchiment d'argent, pas  à Kinshasa mais, de toutes les adrresses, au Vatican! Incroyable mais vrai!
Vatican bank troubles await pope's attention

Francis inherits Benedict's struggle to clean up the secretive institution, which has been plagued by suspicion of money laundering.

March 23, 2013|By Tom Kington, Los Angeles Times
Pope Francis addresses an audience of ambassadors at the Vatican. The new… (Tony Gentile, Pool Photo )

VATICAN CITY — As he begins work, Pope Francis will find a pile of files in his in-tray on sex abuse and squabbling cardinals. But he will also come across a thick dossier on the Vatican's secretive bank, which his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, tried to drag into the daylight after years of suspicion that it was a haven for money launderers.After struggling to get the Vatican onto a coveted European "white list" for clean banks, Benedict suffered a setback last year when his top manager, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, was fired by the bank's board, officially for incompetence. Gotti Tedeschi saw things differently, contending that "an honest person [at the bank] who wants to do good is ousted!"

Then, in January, the Vatican was humbled into using a Swiss firm to process credit card payments after the Bank of Italy warned Italian banks not to do business with the Holy See, temporarily forcing visitors queuing at the Sistine Chapel to pay cash if they wanted to get in.

It was the latest in a series of mishaps at the institution that prompted Italy's biggest-selling Catholic magazine, Famiglia Cristiana, to urge the Vatican to dump the bank altogether.

The Institute of Religious Works "is not essential to the ministry of the pope, who is the successor to St. Peter," said Cardinal John Onaiyekan of Nigeria, adding, "I don't know if St. Peter had a bank."

"Cardinals have been talking about how to bring the bank out from under its rock," said Father Thomas Reese, a Jesuit priest and Vatican expert, "and some are saying, 'Do we need a bank?'"

John Thavis, a Vatican watcher and author, said Pope Francis' focus on helping the poor when he was Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina would make him an outspoken opponent of Vatican corruption and the right man to look into the inner workings of the bank, known as the IOR.

"He lived in an apartment, rode the bus, cooked his own meals — I think he will bring a simplicity to the Vatican, which has acted like a royal court," Thavis said.

In fact, during a conference with assembled reporters after his election, Francis said with a sigh: "Oh, how I would like a church which is poor, and for the poor!"

Set up in 1942, the bank has 33,000 accounts and $7 billion in assets, all run from a former Vatican prison building. It is intended to serve priests, dioceses and religious orders, but its high volume of cash transactions, global activity and limited information about account holders have set off several alarm bells.

And the IOR's record is far from glowing.

A former bank governor, U.S. Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, was indicted in 1982 when the bank was implicated in the collapse of Italy's Banco Ambrosiano, in which the IOR held a stake. Roberto Calvi, then the chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, was found hanged to death under London's Blackfriars Bridge. Investigators alleged the death was a homicide and linked the case to purported money laundering by the Mafia.

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26 mars 2013 2 26 /03 /mars /2013 04:51

Les opposants Congolais qualifient Joseph Kabila d'un Rwandais, "Kanambe" de son vrai nom. Or le M23 avec qui les opposants Congolais pactisent est 100% Rwandais! Et donc J. Kabila n'est pas Rwandais!

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26 mars 2013 2 26 /03 /mars /2013 04:18
Lettre ouverte à Madame Colette Braeckman: Le M23 n'est pas une rebellion mais une agression et une occupation rwandaise! 
Vous avez aussi rappporté que Bozize fut soupçonné par Areva de vouloir confier à la Chine l’exploitation d'uranium!


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Indignée, l’Union Africaine a suspendu la Centrafrique, et refusé de reconnaître le nouveau pouvoir, dirigé par l’un des chefs de la coalition rebelle, Michel Djotodia. C’est que, en dépit de deux cycles électoraux et de dix années d’une stabilité apparente, l’histoire se répète : le président François Bozizé, qui avait lui-même pris le pouvoir voici dix ans avec le soutien des forces tchadiennes, a été chassé du pouvoir par une coalition, la Seleka, dont on ne connaît pas encore tous les contours mais qui, cette fois, n’a pas rencontré sur sa route de militaires tchadiens, ces derniers étant actuellement mobilisés au Mali où ils épaulent les forces françaises. Seule l’armée sud africaine a tenté, jusqu’au bout, de protéger le président sortant, mais cet engagement a été payé au prix fort : treize soldats ont été tués, en plus de nombreux blessés.
Cette prise de pouvoir par la Seleka (un terme qui signifie alliance, en sango) a des aspects connus : les troupes rebelles se sont emparées de la capitale et des pillages ont éclaté, le président sortant aurait fui en direction de la République démocratique du Congo (seul le fleuve Oubangui sépare Bangui de la province congolaise de l’Equateur et de Gbadolite, ancien sanctuaire du président Mobutu). Quant aux rebelles de la Seleka, ils s’inspirent, avec plus de succès, des revendications présentées par le M23, qui a implosé au Congo Kinshasa. En effet, l’entrée en guerre de la coalition rebelle a été motivée, au départ, par le non respect des accords de paix signés en 2007. Ces accords prévoyaient, sur le même modèle qu’en RDC, la réinsertion et l’indemnisation des combattants rebelles. Par la suite, alors qu’en décembre dernier déjà, les rebelles menaçaient de s’emparer de Bangui, des accords furent signés à Libreville, avec la médiation de la Communauté des Etats d’Afrique centrale. Ils prévoyaient la mise sur pied d’un gouvernement d’union nationale, la libération des prisonniers politiques et le départ des troupes sud africaines qui avaient prêté main forte au président Bozize. Selon la Seleka ces accords ne furent pas appliqués, ce qui a justifié l’offensive actuelle.
Tout n’est cependant pas répétition : la rapidité et l’efficacité des rebelle ont surpris ainsi que la relativement bonne tenue des combattants. Selon des observateurs, les membres de la coalition, relativement bien armés et disciplinés, seraient descendus de la frontière soudanaise et en particulier de la province du Darfour où sont déployés des casques bleus de différentes nationalités dont un contingent rwandais, très apprécié.
La situation en Centrafrique est suivie de très près à Kinshasa, car le président François Bozizé était un allié du président Kabila. On se souvient en effet que, voici dix ans, lorsque cet ancien général était arrivé au pouvoir par les armes, il avait chassé son adversaire Ange-Félix Patassé avec le soutien de l’armée tchadienne. Patassé à l’époque, bénéficiait aussi du soutien de Jean-Pierre Bemba, dont les troupes, qui campaient à Gbadolite, avaient traversé le fleuve pour se porter au secours du régime. C’est d’ailleurs le comportement des soldats du MLC (Mouvement pour la libération du Congo) qui vaut à Jean-Pierre Bemba d’être toujours détenu par la Cour pénale internationale : alors que le principal challenger du président Kabila se trouvait à cette époque en train de négocier à Sun City, en Afrique du Sud, il avait été tenu pour responsable du comportement de ses troupes qui, à Bangui, placées sous commandement centrafricain, s’étaient livrées à des viols et des pillages. A l’époque, l’opposition congolaise dénonça le « service » que François Bozizé, après son arrivée au pouvoir, avait rendu à son voisin Kabila, en permettant l’inculpation de Jean-Pierre Bemba.
Autre signe des temps : le changement de pouvoir actuel a eu lieu sans qu’intervienne la France, ancienne puissance coloniale. Une telle passivité eut été impensable jadis, où la Centrafrique était considérée comme un « porte avions » de la France : située aux confins du Tchad, qui entretenait des relations troubles avec la Libye de Kadhafi, voisine des deux Congo et du Cameroun, ouverte sur le soudan et de là sur l’Afrique de l’Est, la Centrafrique, qui ne manque cependant pas de ressources naturelles, (or et diamants entre autres) valait surtout pour sa situation stratégique et la France avait installé deux bases militaires dans le pays, l’une dans la capitale, l’autre à Bouar, tournée vers le Tchad et rendant possible les interventions régionales.
Cette importance stratégique de la Centrafrique avait justifié, à l’époque du président Giscard d’Estaing, l’un des épisodes les moins glorieux de la « Françafrique » : le sacre, en 1977, de l’ « empereur » Jean Bedel Bokassa, un ancien caporal qui avait servi dans les forces françaises en Indochine et en Algérie. A l’époque, un ministre français, Robert Galley, assista au sacre de l’empereur et de l’impératrice Catherine, accompagné d’une palanquée d’hommes d’affaires. Deux ans plus tard cependant l’empereur, devenu gênant fut renversé et finit ses jours dans son château d’Hardicourt en France.
De telles complaisances semblent appartenir au passé : la France a fermé la base de Bouar pour ne garder que 250 hommes à Bangui (même si des renforts viennent d’être envoyés) et le président Hollande a déclaré que « si nous sommes présents, ce n’est pas pour protéger un régime, c’est pour protéger nos ressortissants et nos intérêts. Et en aucune façon pour intervenir dans les affaires intérieures d’un pays. Ce temps là est terminé. »
Au-delà de cette volonté de non ingérence et de ce changement de politique, François Bozize, qui avait cependant été élu deux fois après sa prise de pouvoir mais s’était lui aussi illustré par la corruption de son régime, a aussi été une victime collatérale de l’intervention française au Mali, qui mobilise toutes les forces disponibles. Quant à ses alliés africains, l’Afrique du Sud et, plus discrètement, le Congo Kinshasa, ils se sont avérés impuissants à enrayer l’avancée des rebelles qui, sur le plan militaire tout au moins, avaient peut-être bénéficié des conseils des stratèges du M23…



CatégorieNon classé

En position de force, les rebelles centrafricains demandent désormais le départ du président François Bozizé et n’excluent plus de s’emparer de Bangui. Dans la capitale, les habitants, terrés chez eux, espèrent que le président de l’Union africaine, M. Boni Yayi, arrivé sur les lieux, réussira à instaurer un dialogue entre le président et les rebelles du Séléka, une coalition de mouvements d’opposition, essentiellement issus du Nord du pays. Alors qu’ils ont plutôt la réputation de recruter des enfants-soldats et des « coupeurs de route », -ces bandes armées qui entretiennent l’insécurité dans la région-, les hommes du Séléka se sont mesurés avec beaucoup de professionnalisme et de pugnacité à des forces gouvernementales faibles. En outre, alors qu’en 2003, le président Bozizé avait conquis le pouvoir avec l’appui de forces tchadiennes et l’assentiment de la France, il n’a pu, cette fois, compter ni sur le soutien du président du Tchad, Idriss Deby ni sur celui de la France. Même si Paris a envoyé une centaine d’hommes en renfort, c’est en précisant qu’ils avaient pour seule mission de protéger les quelque 120 ressortissants français sur place.
Ancien directeur de Jeune Afrique, le journaliste et politologue Jean-Louis Gouraud connaît bien la Centrafrique et il estime que le président François Bozizé « n’a jamais eu réellement sa chance » : « lorsqu’il est arrivé au pouvoir en 2003, il a trouvé un pays ruiné par les régimes précédents, l’ « empereur » Bokassa, le général Kolingba, son précédesseur Ange-Félix Patassé, ce dernier ayant été défendu par les milices de Jean-Pierre Bemba et soutenu par le colonel Kadhafi. Alors que les caisses étaient vides, que fonctionnaires et militaires n’avaient plus été payés depuis des années, les Européens, Français et Belges en tête, exigeaient, avant tout soutien budgétaire, l’organisation d’élections générales.
Bozizé a alors remporté deux scrutins successifs, il a négocié avec les groupes armés mais il a aussi demandé l’aide de la Chine, qui lui a consenti certains crédits. IL fut alors soupçonné de vouloir confier à la Chine l’exploitation des mines d’uranium, alors que la société française Areva, très présente sur le dossier, estimait que la demande mondiale n’était pas suffisante pour réaliser des investissements en Centrafrique. »
En dépit des circonstances atténuantes, Gouraud reconnaît les échecs du régime : « faute de moyens, l’administration n’a jamais été réellement remise en route, le bois tropical a continué à être exporté illégalement via le Cameroun, le diamant sort toujours en fraude. Et les hommes de l’Ougandais Joseph Kony, chef de l’Armée de libération du Seigneur, opèrent sans être inquiétés… » Avec réalisme, l’analyste français assure que : «même si le président a été élu par deux fois, et que l’arrivée à Bangui des rebelles risque de se traduire par la pagaille sinon par un bain de sang, la France n’est pas disposée à s’engager pour « sauver le soldat Bozizé ». La Centrafrique, ce n’est pas la Côte d’Ivoire, il y a moins d’intérêts en jeu… »
C’est au Congo Kinshasa, de l’autre côté du fleuve Oubangui, que l’évolution de la situation est suivie avec le plus d’intérêt. L’opposition congolaise accuse le président Kabila d’avoir envoyé à Bangui des éléments de la garde présidentielle. Gouraud rappelle que « avant 2001 déjà, Bozizé, opposant à Patassé, avait bénéficié de l’appui de Laurent-Désiré Kabila, il a ensuite été soutenu par son fils Joseph car il s’opposait aux hommes de Jean-Pierre Bemba… »
Si Bangui tombait aujourd’hui aux mains de rebelles étrangement bien armés et bien organisés, dont les revendications ressemblent à s’y méprendre à celles du M23 (respect de différents accords de paix) Kinshasa, via le fleuve, pourrait être prise à revers par des éléments hostiles.

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25 mars 2013 1 25 /03 /mars /2013 13:22
Banro Provides Notice of Year End 2012 Financial Results Release & Investor Conference Call Details




TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Mar 25, 2013) -Banro Corporation ("Banro" or the "Company") (BAA.TO)(NYSE MKT:BAA)(NYSE Amex:BAA) intends to announce its year end 2012 financial results on Wednesday March 27, 2013 and follow with a conference call at 11:00am EST that same day.

2012 Financial Results Conference Call Information

2012 Financial Results Conference Call REPLAY

The conference call will replay will be available from 2:00pm EST on Wednesday March 27, 2013 until 11:59pm EST on Wednesday April 10, 2013.

For further information regarding this conference call, please contact Banro Investor Relations or visit the Company website,www.banro.com.

Banro Corporationis a Canadian gold mining company focused on production from the Twangiza oxide mine and development of three additional major, wholly-owned gold projects, each with mining licenses, along the 210 kilometre long Twangiza-Namoya gold belt in the South Kivu and Maniema provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Led by a proven management team with extensive gold and African experience, Banro's plans include the construction of its second gold mine at Namoya, at the south end of this gold belt, as well as the development of two other projects, Lugushwa and Kamituga, in the central portion of the belt. The initial focus of the Company is on oxides, which have a low capital intensity to develop but also attract a lower technical and financial risk to the Company and as such maximize the return on capital and limits the dilution to shareholders as the Company develops this prospective gold belt. All business activities are followed in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.

For further information, please visit our website atwww.banro.com.

Banro Corporation
Naomi Nemeth
Vice President, Investor Relations
+1 (416) 366-9189 or +1-800-714-7938, Ext. 2802
Symbol Price Change
BAA.TO 2.05 0.02
Toll Free (North America): +1-866-226-1792
Toronto Local & International: +1-416-340-2216
Toll Free Replay Call (North America): +1-800-408-3053 Passcode 1896273
Toronto Local & International: +1-905-694-9451 Passcode 1896273
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25 mars 2013 1 25 /03 /mars /2013 12:32
Quelle putain de week-end pour Jokab, Zuma, Sassou et Bozize!

Eh, oui! Quelle putain de week pour ces 3 mousquetaires. En fait, les 3 mousquetaires n'etaient pas au nombre de trois, mais quatre: Athos, Porthos, Aramais & D'Artagnan. Qui est qui, dépend de la qualité du bluff vendu/offert à ses concitoyens, à l'Afrique et au monde, par chacun de ces mousquetaires.
JoKab: quelle putain de Week-end!
En 2013, le nouveau président chinois, Xi Jinping, est en Afrique. Il visite la Tanzanie, l'Afrique du Sud et une visite officielle de 48 heures (2 jours) au Congo-Brazzavile. De l'Afrique du Sud à Maya-Maya (aéport de Brazzaville), , survolera la RDC (Lu'shi, Kamina, Kananga et Kinshasa), il peut aussi renter à Pekin, en faisant un saut par Kinshasa (Beach Ngombila ou N'Djili-aéroport), pour rencontrer son homologue rd-congolais, Jokab, même au salon d'honneur. Mais, nenni. Ndke luka akotika kaka mupepe.
En 2009, le président chinois, Hu Jintao, avait visité le Mali, le Sénégal, la Tanzanie et Maurice.
En 2007, le président chinois, Hu Jintao, visita 8 pays africains: Afrique du Sud, Namibie, Zambie, Soudan (malgrè la guerre au Darfour); Liberia (malgrè les enfants-soldats et le hold up de sirleaf), cameroun( une démocratie?), Mozambique, Seychelles.
Ce n'est ni un camouflet ni de la déconsidération, parce que JoKab sait que sa diplomatie navigue à vu, si diplomatie, il y a. Investir toutes les énergies pour créer une néodoctrine en droit international public et en diplomatie (face au Ruanda) a fait de JoKab, un président virtuel et dela RDC, un Etat virtuel: résulat du travail et de la stratégie de sape de ses conseillers et ses ministres dont des anciens porteurs d'eau de Kagame, or  une fois porteurs d'eau de Kagame, on le reste à vie; dont dea anciens coupeurs de bois pour Kagame, or une fois coupeurs de bois de Kagame, on le reste à vie. Les Chinois n'apprècient pas cela, cela les déshonnore, car le déshonneur est transmissible et reste incurable.
Zuma: quelle putain de week-end!
Les rebelles centrafricains ont font un carton des soldats sudafricains , en faisont auter le verrou de damara. un nombre inconnu des prisonneirs, des blessés et des morts. Et dire, que ce pays s'est autoproclamé puissance économique, diplomatique et militaire en Afrique subsaharienne et au sein de la SADC! Comment 400 soldats sud africains pouvaient-ils "verrouiller" un point stratégique et névralgique face à de milliers de rebelles détermninés à en découde avec Bozizé? Let's wait & see: il paraît, que ce pays a des experts, qui n'ont rien à envier aux experts congolais, en matière de la réforme de leur armée. Zut! Il y a autant de Sudafricains dans la Monusco. Eux, ils sont raisonnables, ils jouent aux cartes, lorsque le M23 jouent le muscle.
Sassou: quelle putain de week-end!
Malgrè sa médiation et la présence des soldats congo-brazzavillois dont de commandos et de véhicules blindés, les rebelles centrafricains lui ont tiré la langue, montré le majeur et menacer de le sodomiser en le lui fourrant dans le Q. Un point de perdu, dix de gagner! Avec la visite de Xi jinping, il se la fait belle et de clins d'oeil malicieux vers JoKab.
Bozizé: quelle putain de week-end!
Le voilà sans domicile fixe, et sa famille devenue "ngundeur" en RDC, pour avoir suivi les conseils de Sassou, Bongo, JoKab et Zuma, en renvoyant, au Tchad, la garde prétorienne qu'Idriss Deby avait mis à son service.
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25 mars 2013 1 25 /03 /mars /2013 11:31

RDC: La nouvelle brigade est susceptible d'être approuvée par le Conseil de sécurité dans les prochaines semaines.


‘Peace enforcement’ brigade considered for Congo


The new brigade is likely to be approved by the Security Council within the next few weeks



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25 mars 2013 1 25 /03 /mars /2013 08:52

Le rêve américain est en train de mourir, s'il n'est pas déjà mort. The America dream is dying if it is not dead already! 


This Is A Must Watch Video  Class War Films 
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President - 1797 - 1801

Now is the first day of a new beginning.

Each one - Reach One- Each One - Teach One
Posted February 23, 2012 - Class War Films
Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine
Nightmare and insanity are akin: mysterious and involuntary states that skew and distort objective reality. One wakens from nightmare; from insanity there is no awakening.
Whether Americans live in the one state or the other is the paramount question of this era.
For two hundred years Americans have been indoctrinated with a mythology created, imposed and sustained by a manipulating cabal: the financial elite that built its absolute control on the muscle and blood, good will, ignorance and credulity, of its citizenry.
America began with the invasion of a populated continent and the genocide of its native people. Once solidly established, it grafted enslavement of another race onto that base.
With those two pillars of state firmly in place it declared itself an independent nation in a document that nobly proclaimed the equality of all mankind.
In that act of monumental hypocrisy America’s myth had its beginning.
* * *
A Constitution was written that came to be regarded as American Holy Writ. Its central purposes were to defend private property and suppress mass democracy. It has fulfilled both those mandates beyond the wildest dreams of its creators.
Once the existing oligarchy was secure in law and native people largely exterminated, the ruling class increased its wealth and power fantastically in the 19th century, using the government as its enabler, exploiting to the limit the device of chartered corporations.
With its phenomenal money power, the financial elite began to use the military to expand its sway beyond the continent. Regions, territories, islands, and whole countries were annexed, invaded, and possessed outright, their peoples crushed, suppressed, and ruled.
Because ordinary Americans, like any people, need to believe that whatever the ruling elite undertakes in their nation’s name must be essentially benevolent, noble in purpose and justified in fact, the myth had to be radically modified for imperial expansion.
The foundational story was that Americans had come to a howling wilderness teeming with godless savages and, through invincible strength of character and purity of purpose, had tamed the land and honorably earned the right to possess their bountiful home.
In the era of extra-territorial expansion that version was polished to justify and ennoble imperialism. The new corollary was that America could not ignore colonialist brutality but was obliged, by the Manifest Destiny that led us to civilize our own continent, to carry our mission into barbaric darkness wherever tyranny created abuse and suffering.
A national myth that absolutely binds the loyalty of a people to its government must be a subtle and powerful elixir that elevates and aggrandizes that people’s self-regard. National policy will then appear to be an extension of its superior citizenry’s inchoate will, and the basis for a justified arrogance toward the lesser world.
The simple, powerful myth of America’s altruistic and heroic benevolence, shaped and maintained by the financial/political power elite, infused Americans with a deep and outrageously hubristic sense of racial superiority that, mobilized behind various imperial enterprises, has given all such adventures the character of a quasi-religious crusade. In this way insatiable imperialism acquires the apparent moral perfection of a syllogism.
* * *
With WWII, the world was reconfigured. American Capitalism emerged supreme from the horror that had virtually wrecked its capitalist partners. The Soviet Union, though, having absorbed by far the greatest devastation from Nazi Germany, had astonishingly risen above its ruin to become the leading challenger to America as a world power.
This challenge was not competitive, it was systemic: Soviet Communism was a direct threat to American hegemony in that it categorically refuted the philosophical basis of Predatory Capitalism. Grounded in Marx and Lenin, it attacked Capitalism’s inherent evils, monstrous inequities and flagrant injustices that, exacerbated by speculation, exploitation and fraud, would destroy it. And it promoted world revolution to that end.
This face-off of giants in the Cold War necessitated further refinement of the American myth. Now, instead of simply intervening in situations where despotism or tyranny required America to forcefully implant our just and ethical democracy, America had to become the shield and bulwark of the sacred capitalist system in which “free enterprise” was magically and increasingly identified with democracy and equally to be defended.
This version prevailed through many surrogate confrontations around the globe in the era of Mutually Assured Destruction and survived even the debacle of Vietnam, lasting until the collapse of the Soviet Union, as the propaganda stream became ever more intense and pervasive. On radio and television Americans were subjected to an unrelenting barrage of hyper-patriotism in which American moral superiority was a given, and America’s self-touted courage, generosity and decency were its unchallengeable proofs.
The implosion of the Soviet Union left America, in its own terminology, the “Sole Superpower in a Unipolar World”. This, however, did not result in diminution of the myth. The practical effect of having no doomsday enemy--China couldn’t plausibly be cast in that role then--was to supercharge it by increasing its element of pure, hubristic ego. America was no longer just called upon to defend the “Free World” from monstrous heresy; it was now, by virtue of its universally acknowledged, beatific “exceptionalism”, required to oversee and police it in the interests, and for the benefit, of lesser nations.
* * *
“Power corrupts”, said Lord Mahan, “and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
When the only rival and counterweight to American power disintegrated there was a sense within the American power elite that the opportunity existed, for the first time in history, for one country to absolutely dominate and effectively control the entire world.
This consensus was expressed in a policy statement composed by a cadre of major right-wing political players representing massive corporate capitalist interests called the Project for a New American Century. This triumphalist manifesto laid out a plan for absolute American access and control of essential resources and raw materials worldwide, to be guaranteed by the military which would enforce Full Spectrum Dominance.
The American Myth, which had seemed to have lost momentum and its animating principle in the totally unexpected so-called Cold War “victory”, was now re-energized with a less defensive and reactive essence, and given the glowing radiance and patina of a true and, for the first time, self-professed and articulated, imperial mission.
The attack on the Towers, an unimaginable provocation, was the trigger mechanism for the explosive launch of the effort to impose that imperial model in practice on the world.
* * *
It has been without question the most spectacular failure in the history of American misadventure. After a decade marked by the waste of trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of American lives, the stunning bankruptcy of our internally burglarized nation, and a consequent recession more fundamentally damaging than the Great One, Imperial America has nothing to show for the botched folly of its arrogant overreach but unequivocal disasters in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, with no end of madness in sight.
An impartial observer would have to say that the hypnotic hold of the American Myth on the loyalty of the people has led only to disgrace and disaster, and set a direct course to inevitable imperial decline and ruin. That would be inarguable on any rational basis, but it entirely mistakes the motive for, and the purpose of, the myth. The American Myth was never intended to serve the interests either of our country or of our people: it was created solely to buttress, shield, and exalt the ruling financial class. It has done that with astonishing and unbroken success that staggers the imagination from our earliest days.
The massive looting of Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan war funding to enrich the Corporate Tyranny—for that is what it has become—is on an unique scale of its own, without anything remotely comparable to its flagrant obscenity in the whole long history of war.
Neither the Pentagon nor any branch of the U.S. government can give any accounting whatever of the many billions of tax-generated dollars that have vanished, evaporated. There is no doubt but that beyond the outrageously inflated, no-bid contracts handed to giant corporate favorites with their preposterous guaranteed profits, much of the money was simply stolen in bulk by, through, or in spite of the military, and distributed among thieves and accomplices, some of it on huge pallets… for convenience, presumably.
* * *
While this wholesale robbery was going on under the oversight of the military abroad, the Corporate Tyranny had evolved a whole set of impenetrably complex devices for the generation of money without any economically productive source or result at home.
The sole driving force and purpose of Capitalism is the realization of profit. According to that calculus, reducing production costs increases profit margin. This leads to the obvious conclusion that as production costs near zero, profit is maximized.
There is no provision for social good in Capitalist theory. Corporations, created to optimize business opportunity through efficient specialization, were originally required to operate for public benefit but that provision was quickly finessed and forgotten.
American law courts have always favored corporate concentrations of wealth since they, like the Congress, exist to serve the moneyed interests. The American Myth was created to provide cover for the financial oligarchy to exploit the country and the citizenry, and the judiciary has consistently cooperated in ruling for corporations against the people.
Indeed, without ever considering the question in law, the Supreme Court long ago endowed corporations with “personhood”, that is with all rights of human beings under our Constitution. The way this travesty occurred--the slipshod by-product of an obliquely related case--shows that the court preferred to incorporate this perversion of the plain intent of the 14th amendment as an unexamined assumption rather than risk an eventual test which would unquestionably have created violent public outrage.
Given the collusion of Congress and the courts in securing legal invulnerability for the Corporate Tyranny and the principle that the only duty of corporations is maximization of profit, it was not surprising that megabanks, huge brokerage houses, giant insurance conglomerates, gilded hedge funds and the credit agencies pretending to certify their work, all engaged in massive and systemic fraud and deception for just that purpose. The result was the crash of ’08, the recession, and the stunning and unprecedented rescue and bailout of the biggest banks, investment houses, and insurance and credit conglomerates with taxpayer dollars. So much for the hallowed Invisible Hand of the Free Market…
* * *
The last decades have seen two related megatrends in American geopolitical mechanics, both with dire effects on the power of the American Myth. First, what belief the world at large had in it has been shattered by a catastrophic series of imbecile and irretrievable military failures and disasters, which has caused erosion of its efficacy at home. Second, in response to this, the State has made increasingly crude efforts to boost the Myth’s waning power by the imposition of totalitarian methods of surveillance, intimidation and coercion on the American people to a degree unprecedented in scope and scale.
The whole clanking, medieval apparatus of Homeland Security that has sprouted like an enormous poison fungus since 9/11 with its brutal police state mindset; the odious Patriot Act with its flagrant subversions of the Bill of Rights; the endless, fantasy-based terror-peddling of the prostitute corporate media with its clowns and harpies churning irrational fear and anger in the uninformed: all this grim, repressive endeavor is a concerted attempt to distract Americans from the real causes of their injury, abuse, and oppression.
And yet, even with the American Myth now totally and irreparably blown full of holes and exposed demonstrably for the tissue of lies, deceptions and frauds that it has always been, it somehow keeps its phenomenal hold on the great mass of the American people. The tragic reality is that, for the majority, their own identities have been so deeply and thoroughly infused with the myth that to disbelieve it is to disbelieve in themselves.
* * *
So the American Myth is dead, and yet it lives on in its deadness, horribly masking our crapshot economy, our bankrupt debtors prison of a society, our Ghost Dance charade of kabuki democracy, while typhoons of impending social, economic and ecological disaster build their enormous, lightning-charged thunderheads above the dark future before us.
And what is it that the dead Myth still imperfectly obscures for Americans? What is outside and beyond the opaque wall of faltering, failing dishonesty and deception? What is the horror that the shoddy, tattered Myth has so long and so effectively concealed?
It is the world that has suffered unrelieved exploitation by the violence of our imperialist mania. It is the many wrecked and pillaged economies financially looted by our imposed predatory capitalist austerity regimes. It is the teeming hundreds of millions of starved, deprived and dying children sacrificed to Wall Street commodities gaming. It is the multitudes of humble, innocent, ignorant people, barely surviving in absolutist and dictatorial regimes propped up in their barbaric cruelty by our military while our banks siphon off the profits left after arming their brutal police and armies and bribing their ruling Kings, Sheikhs or Generals. It is the millions of dead and maimed in the raped populations of simple tribal people whom our indiscriminately murderous juggernaut has left in its bloody wake in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. It is the appalling legacy of hate and repulsion, disdain and fear, that America has earned with its appalling hegemonist villainy in every corner of the world.
And at home, what is it we Americans have been so complicit in hiding from ourselves in our devotion to the perverse legend that has come to inhabit our souls like a succubus?
It is the millions of us with no work and no hope in middle age whose jobs and homes have been devoured by the heartless fraud machine of Wall Street. It is the trashed and demolished weedlots of our major cities eroding in crumbling, fire-gutted ruin. It is the many towns and cities with industries shut down and factories deserted or dismantled and shipped overseas. It is our decaying, disintegrating public schools, our bankrupt states and counties, our overtaxed, antiquated public transportation systems, our obsolete, dissolving infrastructure, our bloated, irrational prisons complex, our punishing and inadequate health care disaster, and over it all, the repressive mechanism of our police state, armed and empowered, ready for use against the American people themselves.
* * *
This is where we are. The great question now is whether we as a nation can awaken from this long historic nightmare and face the terrifying and exhilarating prospect of living in the full light of reality without the false props and dishonest constructs of a hoodwinked, herded and dishonored people or, whether we have internalized the falsity and disease to such an extent that it has become an organic, overmastering form of insanity?
In 1846, Henry David Thoreau, offended to his soul by the injustice of the American government’s invasion of Mexico, protested it and went to jail for his convictions. Later, in his essay On Civil Disobedience, he said this:
“If injustice is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine.”
To attempt to break the hold of the American Myth will be a titanic, daunting challenge. To even begin to openly rebel against the might of the National Security State will require the courage to face much more than official disapproval and denunciation. Imperial America will not respond to even the most peaceful and orderly protest with anything less than hard police repression and the level of punishment will rise in relation to the scope and seriousness of the action undertaken.
Small protests will have no effect and will be meaningless. Organized mass events, when they occur, will draw the whole fiercely and brutally motivated National Security State apparatus down upon themselves. Americans, excepting those of our underclass who have felt it, have no experience with violent police or military repression. Those who commit peaceful civil disobedience, a first and innocent tactic of serious protest, will swiftly find out to their cost how it works. In a National Security State that has excised and eradicated all defensive laws and regulations intended to prevent abuse of the public, whatever the State does is legal. To such a pass have we in America come as a result of our long historic indoctrination in serving our financial elite, our Ruling Class.
To achieve any redemption for Americans, to make possible any more just, humane and life-honoring society, will require complete abandonment of the system of Predatory Capitalism. If offers no prospect of reform or improvement and we have all been witness to the idiocy of the so-called “democratic process” in action for generations now.
America is nearing the greatest crisis point in its history and the terrific cataclysm, when it happens, will determine the future our country is to have. If we cannot, in dominating numbers, rise to reject the heartless, mindless, soulless machine of Imperial Predatory Capitalism, we will be condemned to a fascistic command and control horror in which human beings are mere possessions of the State, units of production or service, and then perhaps not even that, as excess population in that brave, new world nay be eliminated.
That end is not inevitable. We are not lost. We are not even defeated because to this moment we have not engaged. We have not honored our responsibility as human beings. We have not risen to defend our humanity. We have let ourselves be ruled.
All around the world the thunder of vast and immeasurable discontent can be heard and felt. In Egypt and Spain, Jordan and Greece, Iraq and Sudan, Afghanistan and Ireland, Latin America, the Far East and Africa, the legitimate anger of humanity is expressing itself against the dead and killing hand of Predatory Capitalism and its agencies of violence. And here, in America, so long trapped and encapsulated, frozen like a fly in amber in a false religion of state idolatry, the anger is deep, widespread, and growing.
It is up to those who know and care to lead. As Thomas Paine said, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” Nothing is guaranteed us. That can’t matter. We cannot be concerned with odds or outcomes. We cannot let the Machine of Injustice grind on. We must oppose it with all the moral force we own. We must act with quiet courage to confront a vicious tyrannical system that is destroying the earth, its life, and its people. We must put our lives on the line to oppose it.
The Nightmare Machine of rapacious exploitation has overthrown humanity’s decency and reason and its bloody inhuman treason flourishes over us. This must be ended.
Let your life be a friction now to stop the Machine. 
See also -  The Century of the Self - How politicians and business learned to create and manipulate mass-consumer society.
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24 mars 2013 7 24 /03 /mars /2013 19:56

L'Eglise Catholique ou l'héritage spirituel africain qui a été colonisé! Ah oui! Les Africains ont ouvert le yeux!

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24 mars 2013 7 24 /03 /mars /2013 19:51

Attaque de la ville de Lubumbashi par les miliciens: Les effet de la "décentralisation" commencent à se faire sentir  au grand dam des politiciens véreux voulant devenir roitelets cheux eux!

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24 mars 2013 7 24 /03 /mars /2013 03:03

In Moscow, new Chinese leader Xi warns against Western interference and meddling.




* Xi says ChinaRussia ties guarantee global balance

* Warns against foreign meddling in signal to West

Russia is Xi's first foreign destination as president

* Xi courts Russian students, first lady in audience

By Vladimir Soldatkin

MOSCOW, March 23 (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping

warned against foreign interference in the affairs of other

nations during a speech in Moscow on Saturday, sending a signal

to the West and echoing a message often repeated by Russian

President Vladimir Putin.

Permanent U.N. Security Council members with veto power,

Russia and China have frequently teamed up diplomatically to

blunt the influence of the United States and its NATO allies and

have blocked three draft resolutions on Syria.

"We must respect the right of each country in the world to

independently choose its path of development and oppose

interference in the internal affairs of other countries," Xi

told students at an international relations school.

He spoke a day after meeting Putin on his first foreign trip

since becoming president, a choice both said underscored a

"strategic partnership" between Russia and China.

In the Kremlin, he told Putin: "you and I are good friends."

Xi told Russian students on Saturday: "Strong

Chinese-Russian relations ... not only answer to our interests

but also serve as an important, reliable guarantee of an

international strategic balance and peace."

Putin, who began a six-year term last May, has often

criticised foreign interference in sovereign states.

Russia and China have resisted Western calls to pressure

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over the two-year-old civil

conflict that has killed more than 70,000 people in Syria.

They have both criticised the NATO bombing that helped

rebels overthrow Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 and stood

together in the Security Council in votes on the Iranian and

North Korean nuclear programmes.

In a symbolic show of trust, Xi became the first foreign

leader to visit the Russian military command center in Moscow on

Saturday, Russian news agencies reported.

Xi and Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said the

countries share concerns about U.S. global missile-defence

deployments, Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov said.

Both China and Russia have also bristled at U.S. and

European criticism of their human rights records.


Putin said in a foreign policy decree issued at the start of

his new term Russia would counter attempts to use human rights

as a pretext for interference, and his government has cracked

down on foreign-funded non-governmental organisations.

Xi told Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev his visit had

"surpassed my expectations" and said he had chosen Russia as his

first foreign destination as president to "show the special

importance of our relations."

But economic deals between the world's biggest energy

producer, Russia, and its biggest consumer, China, have been

harder to come by than diplomatic solidarity. Warm words hide

Russian concerns that its far more populous, faster-growing

Asian neighbour could pose a threat.

Xi's visit produced an agreement for Russian state giant

Rosneft to gradually treble oil supplies to China, but

the sides are still short of a deal on the supply of pipeline

gas to China, thwarted for years over prices.

Viktor Yaskov, a student who attended Xi's address, said the

Chinese leader made "a good impression," but expressed fears

about Russia's neighbour. "We're worried about Chinese economic

expansion," he said.

Xi arrived in Moscow with glamorous first lady Peng Liyuan,

prompting speculation about whether Putin's wife Lyudmila, last

seen at a state event last May, would make an appearance.

That did not happen, and Peng kept a low profile after her

first steps off the plane caused an Internet sensation in China.

After Russia, Xi will visit Tanzania, the Republic of Congo

and South Africa, where he and Putin are expected to meet again

at a summit of the BRICS group of emerging economies next week.

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  • : Congo Panorama. Le blog du soldat du peuple: Par Antoine Roger Lokongo, le Soldat du Peuple engagé dans la bataille des idées pour un Congo meilleur. Un Congo qui s'assume et devient un parténaire clé de la Chine, hier un pays sous-développé, qui, en un lapse de temps, a changé son destin en comptant sur ses propres efforts et devenu une puissance.
  • : A partir des idées de mes héros, Patrice Emery Lumumba et Laurent Désiré Kabila, je suis l'actualité politique de mon pays, la République Démocratique du Congo en partuclier et de l'Afrique en général et je donne mes commentaires. Antoine Roger Lokongo
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Hymne des Opprimés

  Ces CPP-ci sont la lumière des ouvriers
et des paysans,
ainsi que de tout opprimé.

Il n’y a point de doute d’abattre l’exploitation et de créer une juste société.

Notre serment est de ne jamais échouer,
enjoignons toutes nos forces en un faisceau,
tenons bien nos armes dans nos mains,
car ces CPP sont la force du peuple.

Dans sa noble cause,
jamais de spoliation.

Notre lutte revendique nos droits,
quoiqu’il en coûte,
jamais de servitude.

Pour les opprimés,
la Révolution est un rempart,
son ultime but est que le peuple gouverne.

Laurent Désiré Kabila,
lâchement assassiné le 16 janvier 2001.



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